I am 39 weeks pregnant today and the Doctor at my last appt. said my cervix was still firm, high and closed. Why arent I dialating or anything. I am getting really frustrated. Anyone have any Ideas on how to get the ball rolling??
| jen - October 4 |
With my first I was at 39 weeks, woke up one morning with back pain, went to the hospital was dialated 1cm when I got there and I had him 6 hours later. I was not dialated prior to that week with him. With this pregnancy I am 37 wks and have been dialated 1 cm for 4 weeks and nothing. So the further along yo get in your pregnancy I believe it will happen quick. I would rather be in your position. Dialating early means nothing unless you are 4 cm. Hope this helps and makes you less frustrated.
I had the same problem with my first son and ended up going to be induced and now with this little guy it sounds like Im having the same problem, so I started taking Evening Primrose Oil, 2 orally and 2 v____ally and that seems to be working, I am at least thinning and am dialated to 1 1/2. you can try that??