Stripping Of The Membranes -pg118203167581
9 Replies
I am 39 weeks and 1 day. I have been having horrible cramping in my lower back and abdomen, constant not come and go. I went to the doc on the 8th and I was dilated to 3 cm and 50% effaced. Well.. when I went to the doc on the 15th I was still dilated to 3 cm and am now 100% effaced. He suggested stripping my membranes.. which I turned down because the initial exam made me cry it hurt so bad and he said the stripping would hurt worse. Should I go to L&D and have a doc do it? I can't take the cramping anymore.. it makes me sick.. literally. Good idea to have membranes stripped???
I would say get em stripped! (LOL). I had it done with my son and went into labor 2 days later! It is uncomfortable but on for a bit. It does not always work though. My doc did it when I was preggers with my daughter and I then chose and induction. The reason why I chose is because she was a week over due and my mom was down to visit and for not a long time. But if you are at a 3 and 100% I would do it. Like I said it is a little painful BUT it doesnt sound like you are all that comfy right now anyway, and hopefully it will kick things in really quick! keep me posted
MJM... I am having contractions like crazy. I had him do it and about 6 hours later they started coming 6 minutes apart. Still 3 cm and 100% effaced.. so maybe it will be soon. Any tips are keeping comfy or calm during contractions. I can do nothing but cry. They hurt so bad!!!
Well the second time I had it done, it worked for me. I went into labor the next day, had DS the day after that. I didn't think it really hurt, though.... more like a bad pap smear, lol. I was about 2.5 cm. and only partly effaced, but I was a week overdue. I'd do it if I were you. My personal feeling is its better than being induced. Oh, just realized you posted this a few days ago.... I hope you're already in labor then! Good luck! ~ spam
I am nearly 2 full weeks overdue and had my membranes stripped yesterday. It hurt like hell, made me bleed, and I had slight contractions on and off for about 1 hour, but that was all. Today, still nothing is happening. I just took 1T castor oil on the advice of my doc and we'll see if that makes a difference. WHY WON"T MY BABY COME OUT!????!!!!
I would go for it. I got mine stripped yesterday, it wasn't a day in the park but it;s worth a try! I am in the same boat, I feel AWFUL Take a nice warm bath to help with the contractions and drink some tea.
Good luck;)
having a hot bath can help bring labour on faster and keep you comfortable too.
I had it done with my son and yes it was alittle painful, but that night my water had broken and the next day I had him! I highly recommend it!!
I've heard that s_x can help strip the membranes if you have started to dialate. I"ve also heard that s_x can make contractions start. Tell your husband to get busy.
I had my membranes stripped at 38 weeks. I was about 2 cm dialated and starting to efface. While I didn't go into labor, I did lose my plug a couple days later. My doctor also told me to go home and have s_x that that can be really effective after having your membranes done, but she told me you need to have an orgasm for it to be really effective (a tall order in your 9th month!). Anyways, she just did them again today, and she was not only more aggressive but she said that my cervix had thinned out a lot... so hopefully this time it'll work!