I was put on terbutaline last week for contractions. I am 70% effaced but not dilated and only 32 weeks. Has anyone experienced this?
I am also on terbutaline. This is my second pregnancy. I delivered a preemie with my first one. My doctor has a lot of confidence in this medicine. I hope it will help me get to 37 weeks. I am 33 weeks right now.
So did you take the meds with your first also?
Angie, did your doctor put you on bedrest and are you dilated and or effaced yet? This is my first pregnancy so I am a bit nervous.
No, I was put on Terbutaline at 33 weeks and I was 3 cm and I had to stop taking it today at 35 weeks I have been doing much better, still with the ocaasional contractions
Hi! I am 36 weeks. I was given a shot and a pill of terbutaline at 29 weeks for preterm labor. It worked. Then at 35 weeks, I went in to the hospital with contractions 4 1/2 minutes apart and was 50% effaced and 1 cm. I was given the shot and the pill and sent home with the pills to take every 4 hours. I just was given the okay to stop taking them today. They did really work to stop the contractions. The medicine actually relaxes the uterus. I was pretty much diagnosed with having an irritable uterus during this pregnancy. How soon after stopping the medication did anyone actually go into labor?
i was but not mag. drip when i was 31 weeks pregnant for contraction and i had my baby when i was 40 and 3 and now shes a month old
I am now 36 weeks in my 3rd pregnancy. I have been on terbutaline in all 3 preg. I have held out to 37 weeks on the last two and hope to with this one. I was fully effaced and dialated to 2 with my last baby for 2 weeks.