does anyone know if you have a tilted uterus, can you give birth naturally? Im very early in the pregnancy but know from previous smear tests that i have one.
yes my freind has a tilted unterus and has produced three lovely children with natural childbirth.
Thank you for that.
You hear all different kinds of things about it. I shall be speaking to my doctor soon anyway, it was just something that was playing on my mind x x
I found out I had a tilted uterus when I was 8 weeks pregnant and I am now 36 weeks. It will usually correct itself by the end of the first trimester. And you can still give birth naturally.
Yes I have a t_tled uterus, they almost always correct themselves and I just gave birth naturally.
i had a t_tled uterus, it corrected itself with my first born.
I have one. Never had a problem delivering with it or conceiving at all.
I also had a tilted uterus which corrected itself before the birth of my baby, I gave birth naturally.
Absolutely! I have a tilted uterus (I'm not sure if it still is now after giving birth), but I had 2 babies naturally. It's not a problem.
Thanks guys for all your positive answers,
Its a long way off yet but would definetly prefer a natural birth. Even though im not looking forward to the pain, would rather be up and about quicker after the birth.
Sure I have one and had 2 kids naturally. I also had bad back labour with my 1st and they said that this was possibly b/c of the tilted uterus. The epiderual helped alot so maybe be prepared for that. Good luck