Okay basically I'm going to be induced next week, as far as I know my cervix isn't doing c__p, and I'm scared. Any suggestions on how to make this go easier?
I'm in the same boat as you. I was due on the 29 and my cervix isn't soft. I'm so ready to have this baby!!!
Don't be scared, if I can do it anyone can. I was still high and my cervix was still hard when I was induced. They'll probably just put some cervadil on your cervix to soften it. It doesn't hurt to be put in or to have it. It will cause some braxton hicks like contractions. But it works :)
singlem0m, how long did your induction take?
My sister hated being induced...she was in labor but nothing happened so they had to stop it so she could rest, then the next day induce her again and it took her forever to have my nephew
I was induced with my 2nd and My labor flew by that potoson really gets things going u should be fine
Well when I had a non-stress test earlier this week I was having a few contractions, nothing major though, and my cervix isn't doing naything yet, but I'm only 36 weeks, when should I start getting softer and all that jazz?