3 Replies
Im due march 25th, I've had no shows, no muscus plug just plenty of braxton hicks contractions and period like pains/cramps.
I've been drinking rasberry leaf tea since week 37, eating pineapple till it comes out of my ears, hot curries and lots of s_x, when will it happen?
My midwife is quite bad to be honest and hasn't ever offered an internal check up or membrane sweep.
What else can I do?
I'm sorry but there's nothing you can do to MAKE it happen unless someone breaks your water. I did every old wive's tale in the book and I still had to be induced. However, if you are paying for your midwife's services you need to tell her to check you. You are very close to your date and you have the right to know if you're dilated.
My due date is tomorrow and I was still only dilated to 1 cm last week!!! Hopefully something more will happen tomorrow at my apptn. Just don't get too excited, you could still have 2 weeks to go! I thought for sure i would have delivered by now!
I have finally lost parts, if not all of my musuc plug yay!
I don't know yet though, I think its not going to happen for a while. I feel slightly different down there, also as if I've got a golf ball stuck at my cervix sorta area, eww.
Period pains still evening primrose oil doesn't work either ladies, I've been taking 6 a day like it says on the bottle!PUH! rubbish.