Hi ! My neice is due on the 20th of this month. She had her membranes stripped last Saturday and again thia am. She dropped a mucus plug last night. Can anyone tell me when she might deliver ?
It could be today it might be a couple of weeks. I didn't deliver until about 2 weeks after I had my membranes stripped and lost my mucous plug. Everyone is different so it's hard to tell when she will go in labor. Having your membranes stripped is suppose to out you in labor within about 24 hours IF you are ready. If your body isn't ready then it doesn't do a whole lot.
everyone is different. i lost my plug 2 weeks before i was due and then turned out i ended up being 2 WEEKS LATE. it all depends. but it will be soon. enjoy it now because trust me you are going to miss being pregnany. time goes to fast. but good luck!!!!