Will I Go Into Labor Soon
7 Replies
I went to the hospital yesterday because I thought my water broke, well it didn't, but I started having contractions, they were coming regularly and getting stronger, they had to give me two doses of medicine to stop them because the first dose didn't do it. I had gone to the hospital about a week and a half ago because I was spotting a little bit, and when they checked me (horrible, just horrible, the nurse had long fingernails) my cervix was closed. When they checked me yesterday I was 40% and 1 1/2 cm dilated. I swear I lost my mucous plug too. Anyways, Before I left they checked me again and I was 80% effaced. But, what do you guys think?
Hey Rachel, I read your earlier post about fluid leaking.. cause I had the same problem on sunday night and im 39 weeks. Um, question.. how far along are you? I remember your pretty far along.. so, why did they stop the contractions??
You can stay 80% effaced and dilated a couple cm's for several days, even a couple weeks.
I'm only 36 weeks, that's why they stopped the contractions, which honestly, I wish they wouldn't have. Some of my friends are freaking out too, cuz I have this friend who's telling everybody he's very small, which he's not. That's my venting for the day lol.
Yeah, if I didn't lose all of my mucous plug in the hospital, I lost the rest today...so maybe...I just don't know though. I'm really anxious
What happened that made you think that your water broke? I had a similar experience and was just wondering if the same thing happened to you.
I was just sitting there, and all of a sudden I felt wet, it was really gross, and I coulda swore that's what it was...I never figured out what it was, but it wasn't amniotic fluid, but really gross lol.
Well, they were pre labor signs, I went to the hospital on the 15th around noon and I had my baby boy at 6:30 pm. 5lbs 6oz. and he's doing just fine!