Did anyone here NOT have an initial exam when you found out you were pregnant? I am a very private person, but beyond that I really do not like paps (and have only had one partner, which greatly reduces the chance of problems) so I would really prefer not to have a physical exam at my first appt. with my doctor. Advice? Experiences?
I had to have an exam at my first appt then not again till 35 weeks.
I had an exam at my first appt at 6.5 weeks. It was quick and easy and for some reason seemed shorter than a normal pap. So, I'm not complaining!! You may talk to your doctor about no internal exam on the first visit, but your just prolonging the inevetiable. Good luck to you!
| Liz - December 6 |
I think it would be a good idea if you had a physical exam. It checks for certain things to make sure your baby has a better chance of being healthy. Atleast do it for the baby.
I am 37 weeks pregnant and just had my first kinda exam last week at the OB. my family doctor did not perform one and the only reason why i had one last week was to get tested for strep b. and i hate having them done so i never mentioned it. maybe i should have but i feel as though they dont need to be down there until iam in labour or experencing somethign that is not normal to me.
Hi Leah!
I know exactly how you feel. I DESPISE those exams with my whole heart.
Generally speaking (it may not be the case with every Dr.) if you have had a Pap (with normal results) in the last year, then they won't normally do another one.
I hadn't had one in like 2 years, so I had to have one. On top of that, I had a history of 1 abnormal result which meant they were kinda extra cautious.
I also, have only ever had one partner.
If you do need to have one, I would highly recommend getting it done very early in your pregnancy. I had to wait until my 14 1/2 week exam for mine due to insurance stuff and it was even more unpleasant than normal. A pregnant woman experiences alot of swelling 'down there' and for me, it was rather painful.
My OB as well as my nurse said that the longer into your pregnancy you wait the more uncomfortable it is.
Steph is right! Mine was also a lot shorter than annual exams too.
If you do get lucky enough to skip out of it early, then someone is bound to catch it later on.
That was the last thing I wanted...to be plugging along and at 8 months hugely pregnant they tell me "Oh gee, we missed your Pap- better do it now!"
Chin up~! Go ahead and get it done and over with now. Then you don't have to worry about anything like that for a while.
Terri - did you have any idea why they didn't do an initial exam? Was it because, as the other women here have said, you recently had a pap? Ugh...I feel so violated! I've never had any problems, so I don't see why it's necessary, and though I didn't have a pap, I was at my doctor about four weeks ago because I had a bladder infection. That was invasive enough; do I really need to go again?!
| MeM - December 7 |
Leah I would do it because they look for harmful bacteria that hurt your baby. I know it's not comfortable at all!! But when you are pregnant nothing is private any more, you'll have your goodies for all to see with in the next 9 months.
Well, I have found a solution! A woman at my church is a mid-wife, which I already knew I wanted a mid-wife versus a doctor, so now I feel tons better. For some reason, I am very comforted knowing that a fellow member of my church will be helping me through my pregnancy, including the exam part. They're never a comfortable thing, but I already feel tons of relief knowing that a person whom I share a connection with will be the one doing the unpleasant part. Thanks for the advice, ladies!
i had an exam my first appt... i have a woman obgyn so i think that helps a lot... one time she wasnt there and i was afraid the guy that i saw was gonna touch lol.. but its not too bad... alot quicker than regular paps.. that was the only one i had tho
Having an internal exam is to test for alot more than just an abnormal pap. Invasive as it you really should just do it for your baby's health and to be honest they aren't that bad. Its not like the doctor is "enjoying" it in anyway. In the end you are going to have alot more going on down there anyway so you might as well accept it as just the way things are and the sacrifices you make to have a child.
I am concerned that you think a pap smear is only for people with multiple partners...most of the pap is checking for cancers and a-typical cells that can lead to cancer and this has NOTHING to do with how many partners you have had...Besides you should have been seeing an OBGYN since your mis to late teens probably long before most of us ever had a single partner...you definetly need to let the dr or midwife examine you whenever they feel it is necessary, remember things are about your baby now, not what makes you the most comfortable!!
Electing out of these tests is my legal and medical right; and that is not up for discussion. Anyhow, over 99% of these abnormalities are caused by having had s_x/multiple partners/stds. Of course I will put my child's health first, but women need to realize that these tests aren't just for everyone at all times. Lung cancer is ten times more frequent in women than cervical cancer, yet we don't have yearly tests for it. The reasoning behind yearly paps, especially among younger women who have had one partner, is very warped when considering the many tests we don't get every year for diseases that are statistically much, much more common.