A Couple Of Questions About Baby Dropping S
3 Replies
im 36 weeks today, its my first pregnancy and i havent dropped yet, but i have questions. when you drop is it all most instant or does the baby just slowly move down and you notice after that your belly is really low? once you drop how long is it on average until you have the baby? like theres signs of labour, is there signs of dropping?... such as your bladder feels weird when you walk (strange yes but ive kinda been feeling it, not like a bladder infection or anything, just kinda funny weird) and also once you drop, when the baby moves or kicks does it feel alot different?.. if so, is it painful because i would imagine its pushing more on your pelvic floor or whatever its called. Sorry about all the questions but thanks, even if you could only answer one or two. =D
just entering something so my question goes to the top again, because no one answered it :(
Mine didn't drop all at once, it's been happening over a period of the last 3 weeks, and I'm in my 40th week now. I didn't even notice it, the only reason I knew is that everyone started saying how low she's dropped. It looks like it sticks out a lot more, and your b___sts don't lay on your stomache anymore (unless they are huge). You'll pee a lot more often, and your pubic bone might hurt, and you kind of start to waddle more when you walk. And if the baby is head down, you can feel it's hands right by your bladder. My baby girl usuall hits it whenever I pee. EVERY time I pee, because the bladder is contracting, and I guess it's bothering her. The whole dropping thing doesn't hurt, because you just get used to it over time, it's just uncomfortable, but what part of pregnancy isn't.
| ... - December 11 |
when it happens it happens