I am 36 weeks pregnant and dialated 2 I have been having contractions and cramps all night and all day today but they are not real bad or regular. My question is will my baby be okay if she is born now???
It should be by now. But you should definately call your doctor ASAP!!! The lungs are the last thing to fully develope on an infant and it is possible that your little one could have breathing problems at birth. But doctors have drugs to give you to stop the contractions and they have a type of steriodal (sp) drug they can also give you to speed up the babies developement so that it is more likely for the lungs to be fully developed at birth. But they can't do any of this if you don't talk to them. I really think you should call your doctor and talk to him/her about this right now.
Your baby will be ok if she would be born now.She'll probably will have to stay a little bit longer in the hospital cuz her lungs.Are you closer to being 37 weeks or are u right at the beginning of 36 weeks.A couple days makes a big difference.Also girls develope faster than boys do,and your having a girl right? Good luck and keep us posted. PS You"re at 36 weeks,37 weeks is considered "full term".
Thanks for the responses. Im waiting on my dr. to call me back because i just pa__sed a blood clot and im scared to death.
| FF - June 29 |
Kate I hope everything goes well with you and your baby I'll be praying for you today :)
its been a few dys since you posted so i was wondering how you are.
Im still pregnant and miserable. Having regular contractions they are not hard enoungh to dialate my cervix anymore. The doctor said pa__sing the bloodclots are normal. My stomach and back are so sore from the contractions I can hardley move....but i know in the end it will all be worth it.
36 weeks is still considered pre-term. However 37 weeks is term so most babies do just fine. Your baby will maybe require supplemental oxygen, but should be fine. Your baby will be at risk like all babies born premature for infection.
just to let you know that at 36weeks and 3 days your baby os no longer cla__sed as being premature if delivered now...U.sound scans are very accurate but can be up to 2 weeks out...don't worry...I had my baby at 35 weeks and she was 5lb 7 and nothing wrong woth her...My second I was full term and she only weighed 5lb14
I had a baby born at 36 wk 3 d and he was 7lbs 10.8 oz and perfect. I wouldn't worry too much. Good luck with the contractions, hopefully that baby will be born healthy real soon!
I'm 36 weeks today and am 4 cm dialated and 50% effaced. I wasn't expected to carry this long so my doc is thrilled. You're baby should be just fine. After all she's only 1 week away from being considered full term. Babies from 35 weeks on can usually be cared for in the well baby nursery. It's really not that big of a deal.