Castor Oil

548 Replies
mom_2_be - June 28

I am 37+3 days pregnant...I am soooo tired of being pregnant. everyone is telling me to use the castor oil but I am a little scared.....what should i do....


Samantha - June 28

I think the only concern that doctors have about castor oil is the slight risk of dehydration, that is, if you are vomiting and having diariah. So it's good to drink plenty of fluids during the whole process. I'm 3 days overdue with my 3rd baby. My 1st son was 14 days overdue until I was induced and my 2nd son was 9 days overdue before being induced. I am 2 cm dialated. I decided to give the castor oil a try yesterday. I mixed 3 tbsp. with OJ, and contractions started 4 hours later with 2 trips to the bathroom. Unfortunately, contractions stopped late last night. I decided to give it one last try today. At 7pm I mixed 3 tbsp. with half a bottle of root beer, shook it up real well, and downed it. My contractions started at about 10:30 pm and they are a little stronger than yesterday. This is my last try and I hope to have better luck the yesterday.


Tina - June 30

I will be 37weeks on Friday and I am planning to try it. I heard that it causes more painful contractions but i'm willing to take the chance!


Kevyn - June 30

I took castor oil with my first pregnancy at 38 1/2 weeks. two doses and some walking later... out came my little boy! I did however, act on the advice of my grandmother (who has birthed 3-2 using the oil) She said if the baby was ready, it would work, if not, I would just feel horrible and spend the night on the toilet. Well, he came AND I spent all night on the toilet but I think its what kept me from pooping on my baby. :) My best personal advice is to AT LEAST wait until 38 weeks or on because a baby is considered full term anywhere from 38-42 weeks. If your doctor recommends it earlier... I would be vary weary of that doctor in the future! :) For me, it brought on very painful, fast, hard labor, but... IT BROUGHT IT ON & thats what I had wanted! Good luck. p.s. I personally don't think its harmful, but I would say if you have ANY doubts or fears, don't look to others to ease them, not even doctors. I think it's always best to follow YOUR instincts and if you are afraid it will hurt your baby, maybe your body knows that the baby isn't ready yet. Don't risk it! Besides, its been MONTHS! What's another week or two?


nicole - July 1

I took castor oil last night 2 tbsp. with a gla__s of juice and nothing happen at all, I didn't even poop I threw up one time. Im 3 cm dilated and 90% effaced. I had a few contractions threw the night, but im going to try it one more time today and scub the floors the doc says that causes labor also. So we will see!


Susan - July 1

I would warn anyone who is thinking of trying the castor oil method to avoid if if you have hemorrhoids. I am 41 weeks pregnant and tried it a few nights ago. I had awful diarrhea for 6 and a half hours and felt awful the next day. My bottom is in so much pain I can't even sit. When I do go into labour pushing is not going to be much fun.


nicole - July 2

I drank castor oil again today around 1:30 pm and it's now 1:00am and I am having a lot of caontractions but I'm waiting out to see if its just cramping or really labor. I will let everyone know if it accually worked this time!


Michelle - July 3

Thank you to all you ladies for your coments on the subject of castor oil, I am 37 weeks, 70% , and 3 centimenters, but I think I'll just stick to walking and staying active for now. I agree with the other ladies, we should let people choose themselves and stay positive. I have always been over protective about taking anything during my pregnancy, I think I will just wait and pray, oh and walk:), and hope he comes soon!! Good luck to all you ladies who do try this method, its sounds like it works.


Jamie W. - July 5

I am 7 months pregnant and plan to take castor oil in my 39th week if I have not already delivered. I delivered a very healthy, 9lb 10oz. baby boy 8 years ago using this method and it worked very well for me. My doctor had a nurse/midwife in his practice who happened to see me for my last visit to his office before my due date. She recommended this method since my baby was so large and I had not started to dilate at all. It wasn't fun to spend a few hours in the bathroom but I slept peacefully that night and woke up in labor the next a.m. My son was born at 5:30 p.m. with an Apgar of 9 and there were no complications with my digestive system during delivery (I was empty!). It was the easiest delivery a woman could have hoped for other than a short amt. of back labor I experienced before he shifted into the correct position. I would recommend this to anyone who is considering it, as long as your doctor approves depending on your pregnancy situation. My father is a surgeon and he told me there was no risk whatsoever to the baby by taking a laxative. Some people on this board need to be slapped....(ugh). Grow up and know what you are talking about before you open your fat mouth. Good luck ladies!!!


me - July 5

i'm dialated to 4cm and the doc sent me home and said I'll see you when you have stronger contractions! So I just did the castor oil mix and am waiting


J - July 5

Hi me! I took 2 ounces of castor oil today also. So far not too much has happened. I have been having more contractions but they are not painful or anything.


Laura - July 5

My elder sister tried castor oil becasue rumours were said that it help early labour. It often made her poo lots but im not quite sure if it made her go into labour.


jen - July 5

i drank the castor oil at 3:00 it;s now 6:00 and all it's doing so far is giving me bad period like cramps and diareaha. i don't like it at all. but if anything happens later i'll let u know if it worked.


J - July 5's been 7 hours now since I took the oil and Im having alot of contractions and my lower back is starting to ache. The contractions are painful but no where near unbearable. I'll keep you posted


jen - July 5

been 6 hours now and the cramps went away. that stuff was so nasty to drink. let u know if anything happens during the night.


J - July 6

Well it did not work...grrrrr....I went to the doctor today and im only 2 cm dialated. I was 1 cm last week so maybe the contractions pushed it to 2..



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