my cervix is dilated 2 cm and im wondering if i can still go swimming and have s_x i know it wont hurt the baby but im worried about infection in my uterus
You're fine as long as your water hasn't broken. The baby is inside the bag of waters and is safe from infection until it breaks.
Always consult your Dr. if you're in doubt, but every pregnancy book and Internet site will tell you it's safe if your water isn't broken. However, I don't know how far along you are, so if you are at risk for premature labor, definitely consult your Dr.
I have been dilated for a while now. the dr. told me I can continue to take baths, swim and have s_x untill my water breaks. (If it ever does)
my mom worries about the same thing. i have been dialated between 3 and 4 cm for about a week and a half now and love my baths. she still freaks out on me. but its the only thing that relaxes the back pains i have. like everyone else i think youll be fine but just call your docs office or the hospital and any nurse will talk to you and answer your questions. they are so wonderful. good luck to you.
well, they let you take baths at the hospital so why can't you at home? And then there are the water births....I think that after the water breaks you shouldn't go swimming in lakes etc...but dilation is fine.