Chantelle Adelaide 8lbs3oz 4 30pm 23 Sept
35 Replies
Here's a quick birth story, in between an endless cycle of cleaning bottoms, feeding mouths, cleaning up spills....
On Friday night having dinner with folks and contractions came AGAIN (those that have seen previous post knows I've been having them forever!)---this time they were different. They weren't more painful, but a lot tighter and my brain kind of drifted when I had them--couldn't carry on a conversation. Finally I just said, we need to go to hospital. They were coming 2 minutes apart and lasting a minute. Husband and Dad were frantically looking up a map to get to hospital from my parents house--it's a 40min drive and they wanted the shortest route. Ironically, with all the twists and turns in the shortest route, we ended up in a traffic jam at 10:45pm at night. Got to the hospital--they said, I was in labour, they're going to keep my overnight give me some pain meds. I believe it was a morphine shot--it hurt more than the contractions, but I kept waking up through out the night with contractions pain. The last time I woke up and looked at the clock was about 4am. When I woke up around 8am, the contractions had stopped. The doc (wonderful new, friendly, nice, competant!) checked me and announced I was 4cm and that he was going to break my water to get things going again. Shortly after the contractions started up, and about 5 contractions in I was like "whoa" I'm not going to be able to handle this for another couple of hours. Since I was laying on the bed the nurses suggested I walk around---I thought this a bad idea since I knew that it would make the contractions worst and I was already feeling that they were too much--. Kind of grudgingly they said I could take a bath. I LOVE BATHS, so the thought of one right now was soooo appealling. The bath was wonderful for the contractions. I could totally cope with them and hubby pooring warm soothing water over my belly and back during them was great. I felt wonderful---I was in control, I was getting through things, and frankly I could've done it for hours. Then the nurses came back...grrrr....they told me I needed to get out of the tub and walk. I told them no. They threatened that if the birth doesn't speed up they're going to have to give me a shot of pitocin. I was furious. I was happy, and now they're forcing me to make things move faster when I was obviously happy with the way things were going. Walking around was sooooo painful. I started not being able to talk/breath/thing through the contractions. I hung on to my hubby---or the bed. The nurses suggested laughing gas, but that didn't appeal to me at all and frankly just made everything worst. The nurses went to lunch and I decided to get back in the tub. Yet again, eventhough they were coming strong I still felt I could handle them. I thought that it was definetly time for an epidural--especially if they're going to be pumping oxytocin. When they returned they put me on the bed, not soon after the contractions became UNBEARABLE (back labour, and laying on your back on a bed--DO NOT MIX)--It was insanely painful. Torturous. They couldn't find any veins and they needed to put the IV in before the epidural. Later my husband told me the epidural guy was waiting outside--and had to go because someone needed help in ER, that if the nurses couldn't find the vein when they did, he would've been gone. I tell you, those nurses poked and proded me with that needle. This was probably the most excruciating pain I had in my life---your innards wringing themselves out, your spine feeling like it's being sawed by a careless butcher...I was panicked--I begged my husband to knock me out---At some point I didn't scream, but just bellowed this note that apparently freaked everyone out. Hubby said the whole room shook. I remember one nurse tell me to "stop it, quiet down"--I just thought "honey, you must be crazy if you think I'm going to quiet down on your behalf". When the epidural kicked in I was in heaven. HEAVEN. Honestly, I felt better than I would've if I wasn't in labour--every muscle relaxed, warm fuzzy feeling all over.I could actually feel the pain in one part--the classic "window" created by the babies head--and eventhough it hurt like HELL at times, I didn't care because it hurt much less than what I had previously experienced. The doc checked me and said that the epi went in just in time because I was fully dilated. So I pretty much went through the whole birth experience without drugs except for pushing. Pushing was funny because my doc and husband and the nurses stood around chatting about BBQ's and dinner. It was just a crazy situation concidering I was laying there spread eagle giving birth and everything was soooo casual. She was posterior so the doc used a vacuum to "help her around the bend". He used a vac, but I didn't tear. (Hooray for good doc!!). She had a cord around the neck like my first. At EXACTLY 4:30pm she was born. She was just this blue organ thing..and then she started moving. I felt like a little kid looking at this amazing thing. I was amazed that she moved--she was a living thing. She was sooo gorgeous. Pink and chubby. She eats really well, she hasn't lost ANY weight since she's been born. For all those mommies that go overdue---my first was 8 days early and she was about 4 days overdue. Overdue babies are healthier, more developed, pinker, happier, easier...should give you some hope! To all the beautiful ladies that supported me, chatted with me, entertained me and amused me---thank you for your time and comments!!! Keep in touch, I'll see you in infant care!! I wish you all a wonderful birth experience and tonnes of sleep afterwards (;
smilefull -- you made it! i've been thinking about you a lot these last few days. i'm so glad your dd is finally here and she is healthy. i love her name btw. see you in infant care.
YOU HAD YOUR BABY!!! AHH!! I'm so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations :) Thanks for the overdue tip - makes me feel like the wait is worth it! lol
Yay!! A new healthy little girl...btw that comment your husband made, my husband would probably ask me the same thing...sounds like they have the same sense of humor. I must have this baby soon....she's giving me back pain like crazy....ARGGG!!! (OMG my little girl just asked me if I was pretending to be a pirate, I actually had to type it out for you
yeah!! You did it! Congrats and I am very happy for you. Enjoy your little one!
Smilefull...I'm so so glad that you had such a good experience after having such an awful experience with your dr. It sounds like what goes around comes you deserved to have a good experience...and no tearing!!!! I'm so jealous. I'm now 36 weeks and starting to count down the days. I'm scheduled to be induced 10/19...I'm hoping to go earlier than that on my own though. Pitocin with my first was not pleasant. I'm just hoping this boy is not as big as my first (who was 9 lbs a week and a half earlier). If you have pictures posted I would love to see her! I'm sure she's adorable! My husband would be so jealous you're having a girl. I think we'll both want a girl next time!
Congratulations! Your daughter and mine had the exact same birthweight!
hey! i havent had much time to come on the site since the baby, but do you know how happy i was wen i came on tonight to see that you had your baby??? aahh! im so happy for you, really. its so great isnt it? i know the torturous pain you are talking about though lol. i didnt get to use the tub at our hospital. i was kinda hoping to be able to. i didnt even have time to get a Dr. in the room though, let alone the tub! it sucks the nurse made you get out when you were so comfy in there. i cant believe that one nurse actually asked you to quiet down lol. yeah right lady! yay for us, no drugs! (besides your epi at the end. still, yay! thats HARD to do) at least we know not to try castor oil next time LOL (if there is going to be a next time for you.....there will be for me! i know im crazy for thinking about that already. hes only 2wks old) congrats to you! and i would love to see some pics. hope your getting some sleep, cuz im sure not and havent since hes been born!
you know, babies who are born overdue are not always the better baby.....its too the individual...generalising that might cause a prob with those mothers that had there baby early, and are completely happy.
Yay smileful! Finally we both have our daughters and only a few hours apart! I'm about to post my birth story, sadly i had no time for pain relief, only the tiniest amount of pethadine which lasted a whole hour :o( then the evil midwife wouldnt give me any more. We nick-named her hitler which made me feel slightly better hehe. Hope your enjoying being a mommy for the second time!!
I think Smilefull just meant that waiting until the baby comes naturally, then the baby is generally in better shape. Less chance of being jaundice too. Overdue is after 42 weeks. A baby born between 38-42w is considered "on time", not early, not late. Your due date is just an approx. date based on certain calculations.
Yeah!!! You had your baby finally!!! Have fun being a mommy and take good care of you and your family.
Hey everyone! Doing really well! Getting approx. 5 hours of sleep a night and that's broken into segments no longer than 1.5 hrs. jillian(thanx! we like it too!), shamof ( perfect birthweight!), skylersmom (castor oil, never again! And those hormones got me thinking about another one too!! (funny, concidering how I was SOOO DONE with ever being pregnant again), vonzo(wow, that's crazy. Coincidence, I THINK NOT!), cattac (take it easy girl, get lots of sleep--you still have about 3 weeks worth of sleep left, MILK IT HONEY!!), and Betul, thanx for the back up there sista!! (; and to everyone else--a toast to you and your babies wether they're still in your belly or out keeping you up all night long!
i noticed I couldn't stop talking about sleep. I miss sleep so much.
lol you crack me up. i dont even remember what it's like to sleep. but its worth it. soon they'll be sleeping through the night (hopefully) and things will be normal again. its weird because i too have been thinking about having another one already! my husband thinks im crazy but he agreed that in a few years when we are more settled (in a house, not an apartment) that we can try for a girl since we have 2 boys. you have 2 girls right? (sorry if im wrong) how does she like being an older sister? my son absolutely loves being an older brother. hes so helpful and constantly wants to kiss the baby and touch him. he checks on him for me when he hears him cry or fuss. and he always says 'i love him so much' its funny. oh and i love the name you chose for her. i bet shes beautiful. write back when you get a chance. i know how demanding newborns are! are you b___stfeeding? i am but i think im going to just give him formula soon. its way too demanding to me, my b___bs are the size of basketb___s (i hate it) plus they hurt all the time. we'll see though. take care!
i just made a piczo site, check it out.