Continuous Period Pains 36 Weeks
6 Replies
help is this normal i cant take 4 weeks of these period pains, they are not severe but there enough
I started having them at 38 weeks. HOPEFULLY it means not too much longer, because i dread being 42 weeks pregnant. I'm ready to have this baby!!!! I'm not dilated, I've been effacing for close to 3 weeks now, and i've never had a braxton hicks i'm really nervous that I will be overdue, but hopefully not!!! I'll repost and let you know when I have the baby, and maybe it'll give you an idea of how long those last before the strong ones come!!! (there actually contractions, even though mine dont go away in a minute, sometimes it last for 30 minutes, but there not as bad as regular full b__wn period pains, just kinda what it feels like when it starts, or when there fixing to be over...)
thanks morgan thought no one would reply, i cant breath and want out
Those are braxton hicks contractions and the doctor has told me that they aren't a very good indicated as to when you will go into labor. I'm 39 weeks right now and I've been getting them pretty severely for at least 3 weeks now. That doctor is talking about inducing on the 3rd of Oct. Guess the braxton hicks don't help.
37 weeks and i am having srong period pains what are they?
hi im back, still getting them and increase in tightening abdomen, it all seems to be normal and no indication of anything, including baby comming early, im 37.5 weeks now