I am currently 37 weeks pregnant with 2nd pregnancy. I was dialated 1 cm, 25% effaced and my cervix was soft last week when my OB checked me, but the baby was still high and floating. What exactly does this mean? I know I need to be 100% effaced, but is it good for the cervix to be soft? and what does station mean?
station is the position of your baby. -3 is a floating baby. 0 is when your baby's head is engaged and +4 is when your baby is crowning.. hope it helps.
Yes it is good for the cervix to be soft that means that it is thining out which is what you want it to do.
I am 37 weeks pregnant with my first child and i have not dialated or anything , does this mean i will go to full term or over?
With my first baby I had a thick cervix and no dilation at my 39 week checkup. Six days later my daughter was born
there is really no was to tell how your body will react, i am 37 wks with my 3rd baby and with my first i was nothing at my 36 wk check up and went into labor two days later and effacement and dilation happened in less than 14 hours, with my second i was dilated 2 for 3 1/2 weeks before i delivered, and right now i'm dilated 4, 80% effaced and the head is at neg 1, every pregnancy is different and so is every labor, that's the fun part of havin a baby theres no way to tell when they will get here
i went in to hospital monday night with strong contrac and when the midwife die an internal i had a show. she said i was 2cm dialated and the baby head was really down on my cervix, but the an hour after my paind died off,and im back at home. does any one understand what going on? please,ps im 39 weeks.
that does not mean anything, i was 39 weeks and 75% effaced and baby was still high and only dialated 2 cm , it just depends on the baby i went 6 days over due and was induced , my cervix would not dialate anymore and the baby would nt be 100%effaced, station means closer to the cervix, how close the baby is to your cervix, if your cervix is soft then your gradually dialating, i stayed at 1 cm for 1month and then only went 1/2 cm in 2 weeks, its up to god and when the baby is ready but good luck, be patient you will not be pregnant forever, i know you ready to see that bundle of joy, but just enjoy every moment of pregnancy, the more impatient you are the harder it becomes to stay calm and happy through out the last of you pregnancy.