I'm 39 weeks, 1.5 cent 50% effaced. is it normal for my baby to slow down her movement? Getting alittle nervous.
I am also 39 weeks, and baby's movement slows alot because the space is getting less. Baby is too big to move around much. But you should feel the baby every day, if you went 24 hours without feeling the baby move even a little bit, then go to the doc and have it checked out.
I think you're supposed to feel 10 movements within 2 hours or something like that... you might want to check for sure on the numbers. I've never had to worry about it because my baby's quite active, but I have noticed that her movements are a lot softer now and not as frequent as before. I asked my doctor about it and just as Tanya said, he told me it's because she doesn't have much room to move in there, she can't really "ram" me like she used to.. haha.
its 10 movements a day not every 2 hours!! dont panic. baby slowing down will be cos it has engaged and cannot wriggle so much, everything is preparing itself for 'b-day'! good luck!!
Hi Jen. Baby moves less as he runs out of room but some other Mums tell me that it's common for baby not to move in the last day or so as he's resting for the big day. I has a c-section so I don't know from experience.
Are you sure it's 10 movements a DAY? that doesn't seem like much at all... I could've swore it was much more than that... I'd still check on it if I were you...
| m - July 13 |
i thought it was 10 movements an hour
I am on my third baby and my first two both slowed down movement before labour. the doctor told me this was normal. my first one barely moved for the last two days. my second child almost stopped moving the day before labour.