I am 39 weeks and yesterday my doc said that if I don't go into labor on my own by next friday (7-22-05) that they will go ahead and induce me. The reason is because I have gestational diabetes and they don't want my baby to be huge. My last ultrasound 3 days ago showed him at 6 lbs and 10 ounces, but I know from reading other postings on this site that the ultrasound readings are not always accurate. I'd really like to hear anyones labor stories, especially if you were induced, because I don't know the details of the process. Any info would go a long way toward calming my nerves! Thanks :)
well, I think how inducement goes depends a lot on whether your body is ready for it. I was induced at 39 weeks for preeclampsia with my first child, but I was already 3 cm dialated at the time. In fact when they hooked me up to the monitor I was already having some contractions and my water broke before they really did anything. So I was really ready I believe. For me they just hooked up the pitocin and my body took over. But be prepared for pitocin contractions - they are quite painful. I've never experienced natural ones but I've heard they are much better than pitocin - and that gives me hope for this time!! : ) Good luck!
my first baby was induced at 41 weeks because i had cholestasis. it was the safest thing to do since my liver was going berzerk and the baby was at risk but it was not an easy labor and delivery. i think my due date may have been wrong and my body just wasn't ready to have the baby. neither me or the baby tolerated the pitocin very well. i either contracted too much or not at all. it all depends on how well the pitocin works for you. personally, i'll never do pitocin again. if delivery becomes a matter of life or death i'll have a c-section before a pitocin induction.
I was just induced last monday for the same reason. I spent 6 days researching it and worrying about it b/c I heard induction hurts so much worse. I was 4cm/70% for about 2 weeks so I think my body was ready but it was not bad at all. They started pitocin at 7:15 and about 15 min. later I started feeling light contractions, nothing like the slamming contractions I'd heard so many people talk about. They start you off slow. About 8:30 the doc came in to check me and break my water. I was at 7cm then and still the pain was very tolerable. Shortly after she broke my water the contractions really started to be painful. Around 9:00 I was crying in pain so asked for epidural--no time- I was at 10cm and started to push. Baby born at 9:18 just 45 min. after she broke my water. This was my 3rd pregnancy and first induction. If your body is ready (dilated,effaced) you should have no problems especially if you've had other labors that went fast. I didn't think the pain was any worse with this on than with my other ones. Although I though I was going to die those last 15 minutes, I felt like that with my last baby naturally, too. Try not to worry too much
I have high blood pressure and have been owrried my whole pregnancy about induction. I really want a drug-free childbirth but am so scared that I won't be able to handle it if induced. What I have found is that you should ask your doctor what your Bishops' score is. If it is less than 7 then ask to have cervidil first. This will help ripen your cervix some and make induction with pitocin easier to tolerate and also give you a better chance for the pitocin working. I can only hope everything would go as planned like Dani. Also-reserach online induction techniques. You will find the dosages of pitocin that are receommended. Sometimes hospitals tend to rush your induction and that is why many people complain about pitocin contractions. Your pitocin should be introduced gradually starting off with a very samll amount and waiting 30 minutes to 1 hour befor eincreasing it so your body experiences the full effects of that dose. Good luck!
| C - July 20 |
I had high blood pressure so my doctor put me on bed rest at 39.5 weeks. Once I was 4 days past my due date she checked and said baby was still doing fine. She recommended an induction because of my history with pregnancy induced hypertension. She was afraid it would go back up. I was 1 cm. dilated and my cervix was not soft and very posterior. She took me in at midnight and added cervidal to soften my cervix. You have to lay on your side and not move for 2 hours after insertion. I had to pee so bad and after 2 hours I stood up and thought I was peeing but it was really my water breaking. At 8 am I was still only 2 cm. dilated so they added pitocin. The contactions I had from 2 am till 8 am were bad but nothing compared to the ones after Pitocin. They added too much Pitocin and my babies heart rate dropped. That was very scary until they got it to go back up. My blood pressure went back up so they then made me lay on my side and everytime I moved they'd have to reattach the monitors. It was so uncomfortable not being able to get up and move around. Once I was 4 cm's they said I could get an epidural and I did. I didn't want an epidural but in the heat of the moment I said give me anything to stop this pain. I started pushing around 5 p.m. and had my baby only a short 2.5 hours later (ha ha). My legs were shaking and cramping so bad and I swear the epidural wore off. Anyway, I obviously don't recommend being induced. Maybe if your body is already going into labor on its own it wouldn't be as bad. My body/baby were obviously not ready. I still would rather go through all of this again than have to get a c-section. I at least felt pretty good after 24-48 hours. The girl next to me was laid up in bed and in so much pain after a c-section. If given the option, I'd say no but sometimes it's necessary for the health of you and the baby.