My Younger Sister 37 Weeks Help Info
1 Replies
my younger sister is 37 week, shes had white , and brown loss and today had a lot of yellow loss had back pain for 6 days had vomting and lots of pooing , we had her at the hospital lots and two hospitals , they keep saying shes fine and sending her home they said yesterday that her cervix is posterior what does this mean ??? and can anyone tell me how she can get things going quicker for her ?
I don't know what your white/brown/yellow loss is supposed to mean...use real terminology please! Anyway...some women start vomiting and having diarrhea before labor (up to a week beforehand) but it can also be that your sister has a stomach virus. The cervix has to change position, efface, and dilate for the baby to move through. When the cervix changes position, it moves from being posterior (towards the back) to being anterior (towards the front of the body). Full term pregnancy is considered from 37 to 42 weeks, so your sis is barely ready. She should wait until she is over 38 weeks before trying to get things moving as the baby might not be ready. I had some problems towards the end of my pregnancy but my doc didn't want to induce til I was 39w2d to make sure my dd was ready to come out. If your sis's cervix isn't readying itself (by changing pos, dilating, effacing) then she's not ready to go into labor yet. Once she's ready to start moving things along, she should RELAX, take walks, do some pelvis opening exercises (look into pregnancy yoga positions) and wait it out. Good luck!