Naturally Inducing Labour
474 Replies
I have had my doctor tell me that my placenta is fully matured, he figures that iam any where between 38-40 weeks pregnant and that my baby is abnormally large. this is my second child and the first time working through my pregnancy with a male doctor, an honestly, my experience has been a bit of a nightmare. any suggestions?
I heard wine and a cigar, but I don't smoke, so I haven't tried it. I have a question of my own too, How long does the babys head stay "fully engaged" for? It's been like this for a week now, and it's REALLY uncomfortable to sit. Also I'm having alot of back pain, but so far only what I THINK is false labour pains. Can anyone help? This is My husband and I's 1st and we have no idea what to do.
Dearest ladies I have the answer.I am 37 weeks and estimated to have an 8lb or over baby. I bought a b___st pump yesterday since my premilk came in. I was testing it to get used to it and an hour afterward I started having contractions. So, I would say nipple stimulation does work.
these are all the things ive heard of...walking, s_x(orgasms release oxitocin), jumping jacks, spicy food, castor oil, cod liver oil, nipple stimulation, rasberry leaf tea, evening primrose oil, acupuncture, pineapple, blackand blue cohosh.. I personally did castor oil and it worked with my first but im 6 days overdue with my second and no luck this time. stripping your membranes is another one and it hasnt worked for me but it does work for lots of other people, im not sure how safe ne of these are but if you go to google and type them in you'll get a bunch of sites that will tell you more about them.
I've heard that a___l s_x can work? - anyone else had any feedback on this one? I'm willing to try anything now!
| AJ - October 4 |
I don't know if castor oil is the best thing to be taking. As you may know, it is a laxative. There is a small chance the baby can ingest this and have a "movement", if this happens they can swallow it and get sick.
plenty of s_x walking sitting legspread on a dining chair pineapple raspberry leaf tae none o its working please help
When I was a practicing Licensed Ma__sage Therapist, I would firmly ma__sage the feet and especially behing the ankles. Another spot is in the web between the thumb and forefinger.
Well Im 37 weeks and tomorrow I will be 38.. Im just so tired. I have tried s_x, Im all s_xed out. As far as the castor oil... I will pa__s don't feel like sitting on the pot, besides I have a 1 yr old I just I have to do the pineapple thing and just HOPE that works... But I sat here and read MOST, of what everyone said, and it SEEMS like the BEST thing to do is let your body do its thing... : )
4 ounces of white vinegar.
Raspberry Leaf Tea doe not help induce labor. I've finally had my Baby Boy on this past Tuesday, and I had him by C-section after being induced first. No matter what I tried to go into labor in my own, nothing worked. My baby was not yet ready to enter this world. When I went to surgery, the doctor told me that he was still pretty far up, and facing upward. So you see, if the baby's not ready 9or your body) no matter what you do, it won't work.
Well ladies, this is my 5th child.
S_x, walking, and pinapple are gret, but6 my babies all came when they were ready. It is kind of a win win situation with the s_x & walking. You get to spend quality time with yur spouse while walking, and youboth enjoy very intamite moments during the making love process (whether you have an orgasim or not), and he's a pretty happy camper & willing to help around the house. : )
ma__saging the achilles tendons and heels works. My sister is a ma__sage therapist.
Medical induction does not cause the woman to make natural endorphins which lessen pain. With natural inducation such as castor oil or blue and black cohosh, natural pain relieving endorphins are made by the mother. Therefore, medical induction often brings stronger and more painful labour contractions.