Over Due And Very Depresssed PLEASE HELP
9 Replies
hi can anyone help in a number of matters, for mine, my husband and daughters sake!! im a week over and im so bloomin down, im shouting at everyone, people keep phoning to see if ive had the baby, i keep telling them that i will phone when baby has arrived!! ive had two membrane sweeps and still nothing, not into s_x at the moment, or the old nipple thing, can anyone help me find ways to relax and any hints on making a baby appear, dont want to be induced next week, (25TH) august
Please try to remember that no one told your baby when it was due. My last one was 12 days late at the hottest point of the summer and I am due next Saturday with my fifth. Have tried ankle ma__sage? Soak your feet in a tub and have someone give you a foot ma__sage concentrating on your ankles. Even if it doesn't work at getting your contractions going, its great at helping you relax. Hope it helps.
I'm almost 40 weeks and I'm getting the same phone calls you are which drive me insane. I can understand people are excited, but at the same time it stresses me out even more. The only thing that I have to accept is that she is going to come out when she's ready and I try to stay as busy as i possibly can which takes my mind off of it. My doctor suggested that I swim which i find very relaxing and try doing squats. I also take warm baths for 15 min which helps relax me also. Hope it helps you!
Some people say Red Rasberry leaf capsules help soften the cervix. S_x will definitely do the same. Walk, walk, walk, get on a birth ball for awhile... just keep moving. The same things that help during labor help before.
hi i have gone into labor woo hoo , having a home birth as well, will keep you posted
Lucky you! (wait all the pain of labor is lucky? lol I must really want this baby out) Hope everything goes well.
Lucky you
I am 41 + 5 now and am feeling very down today. First time I have actually cried. Dumb hormones. I am also getting sick of people ringing - they think we have forgotten to contact them! I could've been induced 2 days ago but have chosen to try natural. But will be induced 2 days from now as that is 42 weeks. I've had 2 sweeps, 3 accupuncture sessions, tried primrose capsules, raspberry tea for a month, and nothing. So have decided the baby comes out when it wants to and we just have to wait a bit longer. So hang in there those late people - you are not the only one!!
I am glad that I found this website, I am 24 yrs old with my first child and have posted tons of questions of my own. Alot of the stuff I thought was just happening to me, is happening to other people. It really helps get through the days. I was given the due date of August 26th. I have tried to induce with s_x and rasp.tea, long walks, gardening, cleaning...... but am convinced that nothing works. I just think that as anxious as we all are to have our babies in our arms, and to see them for the first time, there isnt really anything we can do. The date they give us is not 100%. As much as we all dread the days that get closer to our due date, the only thing we can do it sit back, keep busy.... and wait for our little ones to appear. if any moms want to keep in touch feel free to write me back or email me at micheline01@hotmail.com. Its nice to have people to talk to that are going through the same things you are. And help keep you sane while your at home taking care of the baby and your husband is working.
Have a good night
Invest in caller I.D. Sounds bad but between my mother and mother inlaw with daily calls -how are you-fine any contractions-no are you sure-yes do you need anything-no ...I feel like a dam tape recorder and its really fustruating so I have learned to check the caller I D first but be aware, sometimes not answereing their calls or returning them leads them into panic!!! Cant they see they are driving me nuts! There so affraid that they will miss out. I already told them it is gonna be me and my husband only in the room, that they will have to wait in the waiting room. Id rather just wait and call everyone afterwards, but their determined to wait wether its 4 hours or 20. Anoying!!!!! I am also over due so the phone calls are getting even worse!
hi had my baby girl saturday, at the hospital, sadly couldn't have her at home as she did a poo inside me,was in labor 16 hours ouch, all worth it though. good luck everyone