I am overdue by 6 days today although my midwife will only acknowledge that i am one day only over due. When i first saw her i made a mistake in working out my period dates and was given a due date of 16th may when my actual period dates and scan dates gave me a date of 11th may. my midwife wouldn't change the dates as she said there was less than 10 days difference. I wasn't really that worried before but now i face the possibility of having to go another two weeks before they will consider me for induction meaning I will be 43 weeks pregnant. I heard that this could increase the chances of my baby becoming ill. Has anybody else been in this situation?
I dont know if it increases your chances of getting ill but it definatly would suck to be left that long over due. I also was due may 11th and i am still over due but i am booked for inducing tommorow and will be coming home with my baby probley by friday. I am so excited. I think that you should talk to your doctor and tell them that you would like an ultrasound if they are going to make you go that over due just so that you know the baby is fine.
There are numerous problems that can arise from a baby being overdue (by more then two weeks). If the amniotic fluid starts to dry up the baby can be severly at risk. I personally would not them go that long before they induce.
It's your body and you have every right to insist on what you want done. Don't let her push you around. I would ask for a stress test and a check of the amniotic fluid level. My mother was two weeks late with her youngest and the fluid had dried up. Not an easy delivery. It's your baby and you're the one taking the risk, not her. So put your foot down and tell her to get on it. Yes, I do believe 5 days makes a difference and so should your midwife.
Well with my first son I was two weeks overdue but thankfully he came out just perfect and very huge 10lbs 22in. I had a v____al birth and they had to break my water. Guess he was just not ready to come out. Anyway, you should let them know exactly how you feel and express your concerns to them.Sometimes they think they know what's best for you when actually you may be the better judge of your own body.Speak up and let them know how you feel. Good luck.
still nothing happening but midwife has offered me a membrane sweep next week if no result. Will still be 13 days over due by then. I'm off to eat a hot curry now to see if that starts anything.
I am sooo upset right now. I was sheduld to be induced TODAY but due to hospital beds and such they have pushed me another day. I am already 7 days over due.. I was really counting on getting this over with.. Im so upset that i started crying.. it's just not fair that my body doesnt want to go into labour naturally.. Im definatly done this is my last one. 2 is a good enough number for me!
Lizh, I'm laughing about your post. Not at you, but because you sound just like me almost 8 years ago. It was like hearing myself all over again. Same situation, same thoughts. I nearly threw a tantrum in my doctor's office because I was late and they were calm about it. I cried about it as I woke up each day still pregnant. I sympathize with you, because I know what you are going through. The hospital talked that same bed stuff and pushed me off a couple of days too. I know it seems like it's the pregnancy that will never end, but it will.