Hi I know this might sound stupid to some people but i guess i just need some advice... i am ready to go anyday now (my doctor said Monday....this is friday) i was dialated to 2 and 80 percent effaced then.. no clue what i am now.. but i won't go into labor... i have been having random cramps and lower back pain for days and everytime i think they might be steady they stop..my feet and ankles are swollen and huge and my fingers and face now too (face just today though) i have so much pressure "down there" it feels like my insides are falling out..but no baby.. i've cried all day today and just don't know what to do..... i have tried walking (sevral walks a day), exersize videos, raspberry leaf tablets and tea, Pineapple, s_x, nipple stimulation, and still nothing...... i just need to have this baby and get it over with. i am going nuts..... why do i feel like this i am majorly upset and don't know why i feel like a failure...everyone keeps asking me why no baby yet( like when they call ) like i have an answer... ahhhhhhhhhhhh HELP
I understand! I feel the same way. I don't have any swelling, but understand the pressure, the backaches the contractions that don't get regular. I am due on the 31st, and really want to have this baby like yesterday. I have also tried everything you have, and no baby. I personally refuse to try castor oil again as I tried it with my son 14 years ago and have NEVER been so sick. I can also relate to the stress of everyone calling and wondering why you don't have a baby, like we can control it! My boys have been a huge help (ages 13 and 11) but my daughter (age 2) is exhausting. I just want to rest and sleep, but am forcing myself to be as active as possible, hoping and praying it will put me in labor. Good luck to you! I do have a question for you, have you told your doctor about your face being swollen? It may be worth it to give him a call. Not sure if that means anything and I am NOT trying to worry you even more or add any stress, but a phone call may be in order. Hope you have your baby soon.
Awww!!! How far along are you? My mom went three weeks over her due date with my brother! I hope I don't! I am so with you on the swelling!! And the horrible pain in the v____a...you're right...it feels like your insides ARE falling out! How about the arches in your feet? Oh my God! Mine hurt so bad. I'm due June 15th and I don't know how i'm gonna make it, especially if I go over the due date! I also started crying yesterday and I just SOBBED! I think it was cause of the stress of bills though...which really sucks! I just want you to know that I feel your pain! I'm not even comfortable sleeping anymore! I think I'm going to cry now...Hmmm...ok, well right back with an update! =)
I am glad to see that i am not the only one who feelslike this.. thanks for the positive responces....I was "due" the 24th ha ha so much for that... today i have been having the same pains but nothing steady i feel like just going to the hospital and saying okay please do something NOW... even though they would prolly just send me home..... i don't know what else to try...If i don't have her in a few days i will have to go drop my college cla__s.. it starts on june 6th.. i really need to go though because if i don't take the cla__s i can't apply to the nursing program in the fall..ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh well hope you ladies have a good day and beautiful healthy babies (whenever they come out) :)
I feel for you Christina. I am due on the 31st. I am not in pain, except when I lay down to sleep and throughout the day I get the random cramps. Overall I am pretty comfortable and positive - although I am swollen like a blimp. I just don't feel close to labor and that is so frustrating to me. I have been taking walks, stretching, sitting on my birthing ball, I drink raspberry leaf tea each day, I have ate 5 whole pineapples in the past 2 weeks, tried s_x and nipple stimulation. I can't wait for those horribly painful contractions to start...lol. I will have my fingers crossed for you that something happens soon. Good luck!!
Let nature take its course your baby just isn't ready.....He or she will be here soon and all the yucky stuff will be well worth it.
I went to the hosptial today due to bad pains... they sent me home....arg i am still dialated to 2..... oh well...hopefully something soon.. ( i guess i might have to toss my babies first year calandar if she doesn't come tomorrow or the next day..cause i had it set up for May...and get a new one...) i hate pearls .... (lol)
oh man i am the same iam due june19 but iam dialated already,baby has dropped and have been having lots of contractions....but NO baby and its really frustrating i cry all the time and my poor husband doset know what to do..plus i have a 20month old daughter which makes it even harder on me cause she wants the baby to come..so if you know of any safe ways to get labour going please email me..TANC33@msn.com thank you