Spotting After Dilation Check
4 Replies
Has anyone had light spotting, not enough to even stain a pad, but there when you wipe after being checked for dilation? I am 40+ weeks and doc checked me today and I started spotting this afternoon. Please advice, comments....third pregnancy but never this before. I am kinda freaked out about it!
Yes! As long as it's not a lot you're fine...vessels are broken during the process of checking for dilation and spotting is normal.
Did they strip your membranes? They stripped mine twice and I spotted after each but never spotted after they just checked dilation.
Toya and TeeTee- Thanks I feel much better! I hate calling my doctor with a ton of questions, sometimes they act as though they can't be bothered. I do not like any of the doctors in the practice and cannot wait to have this baby and my tubes tied so I do not have to deal with them anymore!
My doctor checked me this past week and said he would stir things up a bit. I bled like I was having period! But after a couple of hours, it really subsided. By the next day, it was just a little brown spotting. The cervix is very "fryable" (doctor's term) in the last few weeks of pregnancy.