I am 37 weeks and nothing is happening! I've had some light cramping but it always goes away. Me and my husband have been having s_x as often as possible. Is there anything else i can do!?!?!?!
You know pregnancy goes till 40 weeks, right?? Give your baby some time... it will come out when it's ready. I'm 39 weeks and barely have any cramping and I'm not worried.
| T. - July 8 |
April is right. Your baby will come when it is time! If you're not having any signs of labor yet, then that means he/she isn't ready yet! Good luck and have patience! You don't have much longer to wait! =)
In hind site...I wouldn't have read this site several times a day until like 39 weeks because it is nerve racking. Just accept the fact that you have a few more weeks and use it to your advantage. Trust me...once your baby comes you'll wish you had more time to yourself!