7 Weeks Pregnant Empty Sac
831 Replies
I just want to say thank you to everyone who has left a message. I just found out that I am 6 wks preg. I started spotting so they sent me for an ultra sound at which they found nothing. My husband is a carrier of syndrome 7 so my chances of having a healthy baby are less than 30% because I have a 4 year old that is healthy but a carrier. I had to read this page a little each day because I felt like a piece of my heart was missing but at the same time it gives me hope that maybe it is too soon to tell. Reading this helped me come to grips that this may be happening I knew it was a poss. but didn't think it would hurt this much. So again I thank all of you it's nice not to feel so alone.
Lisa L-M: Was wondering how you are doing? Did you have the D/C on Monday? I have posted previously about being diagnosed with a blighted ovum and choosing the d/c. I had several days of "what if" and doubting my decision. Everytime I read a success story I wondered if I had made a mistake. I will tell you that although it was a hard decision I believe sometimes it is better to follow your intuition and trust yourself and God. I received lab results from the d/c this week and there was a sac, lining, etc but no fetal pole. It was rea__suring. Remember you can request those results from your dr and it will help to ease your mind. My d/c went well. I had it on 5/26 and am now having my cycle on 6/25 almost 4 weeks later to the day. This is good news because it is right on my old ovulation schedule. We will be trying again starting Sept 1. Hope the information is helpful, Prayers & baby dust to everyone! :)
I have had two miscarriages and am pregnant again. My first miscarriage was at 15.5 weeks and a D&C was necessary because of the size of the baby. I went in for an ultrasound and had an empty sak at 6.5 weeks. My dr. said it was a 50/50 chance. I ended up bleeding and losing that pregnancy within the week. It is important to know your blood type if you are rH-. if you are rH- and at risk for a miscarriage get a rogam shot. It won't hurt your baby if you don't miscarry. I am pregnant again, I had an u/s at 6.5 weeks. I have two saks, one has a strong heartbeat. The other could not detect. My dr. said it is a 50/50 chance and that is is too early to know for sure. Don't depend completely on your dr. when they say they have good equipt and should detect by 6 weeks. Some babies heartbeat cannot be detected until 8-10 weeks. All pregnancies are different. A D&C is not necessary at this early stage, wait and see what happens naturally.
I went in for a routine prenatal checkup at 6 weeks, the doctor did not see a baby, so he sent me in for a high tech v____al ultrasound.... They dated me at 6 weeks 6 Days My Ob says the pregnancy is only 20 percent viable. I talked to a RN today who told me that she recently had a patient who also had an "empty sac" at 7 weeks,, and 2 weeks later there was a baby! My Ob wants to do more blood work, but I dont understand why due to the fact that HCG is not even produced by the baby so it seems rather pointless to go through all this HCG testing. This will be my third miscarriage if I lose this baby.... but Im holding onto some small hope that they just cant see the baby yet.
I went to the Dr's yesterday and she said that I was at 7weeks, but the sac showed up all black on the u/s. The shape is not round/oval, but round on one side and flattened out on the other. (kinda like a tadpole)
I'm not bleeding at all, and have pregnancy sympthoms like morning sickness/tiredness etc, but I do have slight cramps and pain on one side.
What are the chances of this being an ectopic pregnancy?
Is it possible for the foetus to develop in the tube and the sac to move to where it should be??
My Dr cannot speak english very well (I live in a non-english speaking country now) so I can't really talk to her.
What do you guys think?
please dont have a d&c, manypeople are mis diagnosed. just wait it out.
How long should I wait before I go ahead and do the D&C?
Also, what are the chances of this being an ectopic pregnancy?
| SS - June 29 |
Wanted to share some hope. 2 weeks ago I had gone to the doctor b/c the pregnancy home kit said I was pregnant. When my doc performed the ultrasound, the only image on the screen was that of an empty sac with no fetus. Of course I was immediately concerened and my doc said it may be early and there is a 50/50% chance of a miscarriage. She asked me to come back the following week but I scheduled the appt for 2 weeks later in hopes time will give more information. During this time, I surfed the net and this tread has been invaluable. I learned there could be a positive result and indeed when I went in today- the doc at first only saw a sac but then pushed down on my stomach/uterus and signs of the fetus appeared. I had a tilted uterus and this made it difficult to see the baby. the doctor has me at 8 weeks- which means when I first went it must have been 6 weeks.
Just know doctors don't always share all their knowledge. My doc never informed me about tilted uteruses or went into why a fetus would sometimes not appear.
I wish the best to all
Theresa, thanks for you inquiry. Yes I had the D&C on the 20th. Went as well as can be expected. Today is a really hard day for some reason. I just feel so totally empty, hollow and alone. But we are going to try again as soon as we are able too. Best of luck with you. And I hope and pray that everyone out there has their hopes and prayers answered with their babies as well. Hugs to you all. We need all we can get sometimes (even if it's on virtual). :-)
I am sorry for your loss. I know how difficult it is and how empty. I also know it is hard to look ahead but when you are ready to start trying thereis a website called fertility friend that I have found rea__suring. It is a site that helps with charting ovulaton etc. The discussion threads there can be uplifting as well. Prayers to you. My personal e-mail should you want it is t_l_miller_33@yahoo.com.
This just happened to me today. I am 9 1/2 weeks pregnant and had first ultrasound, empty sac and no baby. Doctor said that the baby never developed but had enough Pregnancy hormones to continue to develop the sac. The sac developed to about 7 or 8 weeks and I never miscarried it. I am having a DNC tommorow
I've had several miscarriages and they have all been the same way....i reach the 5-7 week stage with an empty sac and it has always ended up in a miscarriage. I know that this is very difficult for you to understand and trust me i have been in your shoes more than 3x....but always know that your body is supposed to reject anything that is not good for you. Before anything is medically discovered, your body knows first. Just be patient and wait. I'm sorry!!!!! and i know how you feel.
I am so sorry for all you women who had to go through this. My best friend had 2 miscarriages within 1 year, one having to do a D&C. I am 6 weeks pregnant, but paranoid because I have absolutely NO symptoms whatsoever!. My b___bs have grown slightly. I am scared that something is wrong. I don't even feel pregnant! Did any of you have any symptoms before finding out you had a blighted ovum? I haven't gained any weight (normal weight is 115 lbs). Any thoughts? is it just too early? My first pregnany, I had a lot of symtpoms, i.e.: sore nipples, discharge, fatigue, emotional. etc... but i'm terrified if I have a miscarriage. i have to signs of miscarriage, i'm just paranoid because I have no symptoms of pregnancy.
I made a typo on the reply above this one. i have NO signs of miscarriage.
In 2000, my doc told me that I had a blighted ovum (no heartbeat, empty sac) and I scheduled a d&C but also wanted a second opinion and so I went to the hospital where they have a high powered ultrasound machine with a dopler and they found the heartbeat and I now have a beautiful girl. I am now 8 weeks pregnant and they are telling me the same thing. I am going to the hospital for a second opinion next week. I urge you to do the same if this should happen to you once again. I may very well have a blighted ovum because it is quite common but if you have any doubt as to your doctor's ability or his/her machine's ability, I think seeking another opinion is OK.
Hi Joanna and Chris and everyone-
I am 7 weeks 5 days. Went for an ultra sound at 5 wks. and they saw a sac but no baby yet and were hopeful. My symptoms continued but not like they did with 2 other pregnancies I had, but a__sumed "all pg are different" so I didn't want to get nervous...I went for a repeat US yestedray at 7 weeks 5 days and they said the sac was bigger but couldn't find a baby. They said it was empty. Went immediately to my OB and he took my levels. In the beginning my levels went from 3800 to 6200 within 2 days at around the 4 1/2 weeks mark, but my doc called me this morning and said that my hcg was at 20,000 and that was uncommon because he was sure this was a blighted ovum and wanted to let it pa__s naturally. He said to go back next wed. July 6 to see if my levels drop. If they drop- he said I will get my period in 4 weeks or so- but if they go up- then yet another U/S as the baby might not be seen b/c of a tilted uterus I was once told I have. He said not to get my hopes u. Part of me doesn't think I am pg anymore b/c many of my symptoms went away 2 or 3 days ago. No more swollen b___sts, no more breathlessness, and no strange taste stuff...so I think it is probably that the levels haven't dropped and I don't want to get my hopes up...but has anyone with the wonderful Happy ending stories who experienced this (There were a few with my what seems to be almost exact story)- experienced a loss of some symptoms, and feeling 'kinda' pg - out of whack and not fully pg?
Thansk and god bless everyone.