7 Weeks Pregnant Empty Sac
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I'll tell you what, listening to so many woman... I am really glad that I did have a D&C. It was so easy and ended very quickly. The process took about 10 minutes in the hospital. (no joke)!.... I was told that you can have a "bad" pregnancy stay in you for 4 weeks before it decides to m/c naturally. I didn't want to keep that waiting game, wondering everyday I went to the bathroom "am I going to see it this time," etc. So, I am glad with my decision. Had the D&C, only bleeding very lightly for a few days. No pain or anything. Plus the dr. can send out what they took out to examine it. I also hear that you can TTC faster after having a D&C then having it naturally. Whatever decision you decide Gail, I surely hope the best for you!!
Oh, and I felt it emotionally easier to have the D&C because we knew for a fact that it wasn't a good pregnancy and the heartbeat finally stopped. So.... I, emotionally, couldn't take knowing that my body was still holding something that wasn't "good" :( I just wanted to get it done and over with.
As you all know I was very skeptical about having a D&C, so I decided to go to the emergency room, (which took forever) I finally had a nice female Dr. who came to tell me everything that I needed to know about the D&C, so while I was there waiting I felt something running down there onto my pad, so I decided to go to the rest room to check if it is really coming heavier, and there it goes, a big ball size clot, I was just amazed at the size of it. I told the Dr. and they watch me for about another 8hrs, my cervix also started to close. No more heavy bleedings or clots, she said that more than likely I would not need to do the D&C:) they kept checking my blood level since and its dropping, so thats a good sign. I just cant wait for this whole procedure to be over and am back to myself, although I know this is one experience I will never forget. Does anyone know the time period of how long the bleeding/spotting will last?
Gail - my heavy bleeding lasted for about the same amount of time approx 7-8 hrs. After that I had bleeding for about 7 days but it was very little during that time. Less than a normal period.
Ok, I had the worst experience ever, I was rush back to the ER after having terrible cramps and heavy bleeding, what we had though was over was far from being over. Am telling you all DO NOT try to have a m/c naturally its one of the worst experence ever. I had to do the D&C right away last night and today am relaxing with no pain. It takes about 15mins and I had no idea what happen, they put me to sleep, so the whole procedure was painless.
Gail- I'm glad that everthing is now OK. I got my D&C before I had any bleeding and I am very glad of the decision I made. We knew for a fact that it wasn't going the way it should, even though I didn't have any bleeding. The night that the heartbeat had stopped, I actually started cramping pretty bad. The next day was my scheduled D&C. Looking back, I couldn't have imagined if I didn't have that apt. and had it naturally. Everything was so easy (well, except the emotional part of the loss). I couldn't believe how fast it was. I got knocked out also. lol... went right into the surgery room, and woke up in recovery about 15 minutes later. Dr. said that it went great. Went home shortly after. Hardly any bleeding the first 2 days after. Then a little more bleeding, but only last about 5 more days. With hardly any pain. Gail- since you JUST had the D&C... do you have any pain when you urinate? I did for the first couple days after the surgery. BUt, maybe its because the D&C I had, was taking out the "products of conception" as read on the report, where you actually lost it before the surgery. Anyhow, sorry so long... Glad everythings better!!
| Ann - August 29 |
Hi Daniella - I had a m/c and d/c a few years ago, and i remember pain urinating, but that was because of the cathater they used during the surgery.
Thats odd, because they told me that they DO NOT use catheters for a 15 minute process. Maybe they used to a couple years ago, but I made sure they didn't when I just had it done. The pain felt as if it was used, but I know for a fact it wasn't. If I didn't know, that would make sense. SO, I dunno. lol... but, thanx!!
Hey Daneilla, Had the D&C on Sunday night, yesterday I was fine, no pain at all, hardly any spotting, today I notice a little spotting, nothing heavy, and yes a little pain nothing compare to what I was feeling its more like a stream like feeling within. its kind of hard to describe, but am not feeling a pain where am calling out to God to help me. Daneilla am just happy about the decision I made overall, knowing for a fact that I lost the baby, without thinking did I do the right thing, could the Dr's have being wrong. I do notice that whenever I over do it like standing around,walking I do begin to feel a littel light headed, so am trying to get as much rest as posible.
My situation was the exact same as yours. My hcg levels were rising normally and the sac was growing, although it was a little behind. Unfortunetly I miscarried. At 8 weeks there was no baby and my sac had started collapsing.
I had my first appt yesterday, and thought I was 7 weeks along. The nurse prac did a vag u/s in the office, and said she couldn't see an embryo or hear a heartbeat, and that I was only measuring at 5 1/2 weeks. I was sure it was a failed pregnancy (maybe a blighted ovum) and that the embryo had just stopped developing. I had a follow up u/s today with a tech and much better equipment. Good news! They found the embryo and the heartbeat, and seem to think the pregnancy is fine. They just weren't visible at the Dr.'s office, and although I'm surprised I'm only 5 1/2 weeks, I guess it isn't unheard of to be so far off. Wanted to share my story, since I'd read all the stories here to help me understand what was going on.
I knew for a fact that I was at least 8 weeks from conception (10 weeks from LMP)... when they tried to tell me that I was only measuring 5 1/2 weeks. We heard the heartbeat also.... But, I knew deep inside that I was supposed to be further along. Sure enough, a week later at the next u/s... the fetal pole stopped growing and the heartbeat had stopped. I measured about the same. The sac measured about a week later but the fetal pole wasn't growing, in fact, kinda disappearing. I sure hope this doesn't happen in your case. They told me that it doesn't look to good at the first u/s, then the next they said it looks "fine" but I'm just not as far along as I thought. I told them, there is no way I could think wrong when my husband is in the military and left for deployment. They said, "well, everything looks fine for 5 1/2 weeks".... I really felt like screaming, because I knew I had to be about 8 weeks.... Then the u/s after that, they wanted to schedule me for a D&C.... I was so confused because one said its bad, the next said its good then the last said its for sure bad. Like, what the hell... Anyhow, I believe that you will know deep inside when its not going the way it should. Don't do anything unless your certain of your decision..... I didn't want the D&C until I was 100%, because I didn't want to always have the "what ifs"
Also going throught the same thing... did u/s last Sunday for the 3rd time, calculated at 7w4d, empty sack, growing a little. Hormone levels going up almost normal. Did another u/s this morning, again with empty sack, waiting for hormone results. I found this site yesterday, and it helped me a lot, especially to decide to wait a little bit before doing a D&C. Miracles to happen, right? Since I'm doing IVF, I know my dates are not off. Luckily, I have 3 healthy boys at home, who make things a little easier. There are so many pro's and con's re natural miscarrage as well as the faster, easier and almost painless D&C. I still don't know what to do, once I say it's over. Till what week should I wait? So far I'm only feeling pregnant. It's really frustrating. Last year I had an ectopic and they took out the only tube I had... I'll keep you posted when I get my hormone levels later...
| Ana - August 31 |
I had the same problem and there was no baby. I had a D/C.
I had a blighted ovum in 2003 and a D & C. I took me all this time to get pregnant again. I am now 7.5 wks and tomorow I go for my 1st ultrasound. I AM SCARED TO DEATH that the same thign will happen again. My HCG levels were 31,200 on 8/24 and, 5 days later they were over 70,000. I don't know what it means and I am so afraid it will happen again. I thoguth I BO was a once in a lifetime event, but I read that some woment had 2 or 3 BO. I am 38 and this might be my last chance to have another child.