7 Weeks Pregnant Empty Sac
831 Replies
A good dr. wont give clomid because of an irregular period, ONLY if you are "known" not to ovulate. There are many side effects with it and may cause these cramps you had been complaining about. Anyhow.... you are now pregnant so, best wishes!!! Even though, I think you would have without having to take drugs for it. ;) hehe... I can't wait to hear your levels tomorrow. I still say it will be at least 70. :)
He gave me clomid because since I didn't get a regular period, I didn't ovulate. I did a whole month of OPK's and I didn't ovulate. I will let you know my result later tonight.
One month of testing just doesn't sound like long enough to go start stimilating the ovaries. Also, the at home ovulation kits are a waste of money. Mine said that I ovulation 2 weeks after my last m/c and I ovulated actually 5 weeks later. It was wrong. The doctor usually has you come into the office about 20 days AFTER your period to test to see if you ovulated. If it showed that you didn't thru the dr.s blood work, then they usually put you on clomid. I sometimes would only ovulated 2 times a year. We have been ttc for 4 years and no live births (yet). The doctor wouldn't even put me on clomid until they "made" sure I wasn't ovulating. A normal woman may not ovulate a month every now and then. But, using the clomid can cause problem. Anyhow.... I sure hope that everything is OK with this pregnancy for you. That would be so cool. We would be due around the same time. :) My due date is mothers day, May 14th. :) Probably not going to sleep well tonight eh? I think its like 4 am there in Chicago right now. Its 6pm here in Japan.
also, one more thing..... most dr. don't give patients clomid until they have fertility problems. Like trying to conceive for one year and no luck, etc. My friend took clomid because she had her tubes tied and got it reversed and didn't have luck for over a year. So, they gave it to her to stimilate her ovaries. Well, since she had taking it, it gave her a LOT of pain in the sides and finally after being on it a long time, she got tested and the clomid gave her ovarian cancer. Because it over stimilated her ovaries causes cyst that developed into cancer. She is only 26 years old and I feel so bad for her. She went to a new dr. and he told her that the other dr. should never had given her the clomid until the last resort. But, she started off with the 50mg and then was on 100... So, I don't think you'll have a problem at all since you only used it one time. :) I really cant wait to hear your results... Your not bleeding anymore, are you?
I guess I should of done my homework when it came to the clomid, but hey it got the job done. I got my 2nd result today and I'm at 76. So you were right, I did double. Dr. said (this is not my regular dr that I am seeing) to repeat another test in a week. He said my numbers are low but they are going up and that explains why they didn't see anything on the u/s. I am so happy but I am also being careful. Thanks again for everything. I will keep you updated. BTW I am not bleeding anymore but the cramps are still there. Never had them before with the clomid though.
Yea! Congrats!! You were probably just not as far as you thought. Since they doubled and didn't JUST go up, its not ectopic. So, here in about a week and a half they should be able to see something in the uterus. The slight bleeding you had was, more than likely, implantation bleeding. Which would make sense since it just implanted. Good to hear that you don't have it anymore. Wow! I'm so happy for you!! Just get on some prenatals and take care of yourself. You should be great. OH, BTW... did the dr. check your progesterone levels?
I've been on prenatals almost 2 months now. Dr. put me on them when I told him we wanted to try to have kids. I haven't had my 1st official ob visit, so none of the tests they do have been done. I went to the dr because of the bleeding. I have an appt. on tuesday to see my dr.
Daniella-I might have hit the wrong b___ton on the yahoo messenger! If I hit deny, I'm sorry! Let me know if I did it wrong. Sorry!!
| DJ - September 13 |
Danielle, Diane, I'd love to share my story with you. On Aug. 28th 14 DPO I had a preg test done and HCG 2, Progesterone 125 - they tested again though 3 days later it was 30 and 4 days after that only 64 so not doubling. I was put on progesterone to help and because of light spotting did another HCG (5 days later) only 124. I'd be 5.5 weeks by now and that is very low so they did an u/s which showed no sac or anything so my doctor said stop the progesterone and I am now waiting to miscarry which the Dr. said should happen this Thursday... question to you Danielle I heard you are more fertile after a miscarriage - how did you know when you were fertile did you do an OPK or chart your temps or something? and during a miscarriage what will I expect... does it hurt, is there a lot of bleeding? Any help greately appreciated the waiting is killing me
DJ--- I added a comment to yours on the low HCG forum... but for your new question on this forum, I want to rea__sure you that if you have this m/c.. it shouldn't be bad at all. I say this, mostly because it is so early and your levels are so low. AND they didnt' find anything in the uterus, which means that it probably just didn't develop and you wont have anything to expel... other than the lining of your uterus. But, like I said in the other forum.. YOu should be very fertile once your levels get all the way down. So, any day now.. start having some fun! ;) hehe, if you know what I mean... SAYING all this, only if you have a m/c. cuz, you never know, you could just be really early and your levels may jump. Keep us informed. But, if not... there still is hope and it should be just like a normal period... maybe a slight bit more cramping because the lining of the uterus should be a little more thicker. I hope the best for you!!
| kim - September 17 |
I am finding comfort in knowing that more people go through this. I just went for an u/s at 9 weeks and they found an empty sac. I am scheduled for a d&c on wed. But after reading all the differet experiences I think I will ask for another ultrasound. Please keep us in your prayers.
Mine is a very long story. O have a 2 year old adorable boy. After him I had to have a hysterectomy. Very painful days. Noe afetr two years we dicided to have a secong child with the help of a surrogate. We did IVF with my ovums and husband's sperm. Got 5 nice embrios, transfer 3 into her uterus. Pregnancy test was positive! Everything looked great a 254 beta after 12 dpo.(maybe twins?) Second beta 7 days later 4706. Seven days later she had a srong bleeding with clots. The bleeding lasted over night and then completely sttoped. She went in for her beta and they were still rising accordingly to the gestational age that would be 6 weeks 0 days. Her beta was 15208. She also had a sonogram, and they saw a sac with the perfet measurements but they weren't able to see the yolk sac or HB. I', teerified that they didn't see the yolk sac at six weeks. But she lives in a very small town and the clinic she is been seen, has made mistakes before, at first they said her lining was 5 and she had to travel here to our RE in Pasadena, only to know that her lining wasn't five buit almost a 10! So I'm really hoping that their equipment is not the best. They do were able to determine that there wasn't any visible rupture in the sac that was there. On Monday (2 more days) we will have another sonogram here in Pasadena, CA. I'm really hoping for a heart beat this time. She is feeling very nauseous, and not bleeading at all. I just hope that probably she lost the other embrio that could have implanted according to the Beta numbers, or she just lost some acc_mulation of blood that she might have because of the treatment.
Praying a lot. This is a very hard and emotional process.
Silbana- They say that actually a lot of times more than one egg will attach to the lining of the uterus. So, it was probably just one that tried and didn't make it. Where the other is still going strong. I will say that those numbers are definitely not twins though. But, they sound great. Yesterday they tested my HCG and it was over 40,000 and yesterday I was 5 weeks 6 days. Just one sac on yesterdays ultrasound. But, they seen the heart flicker... Please keep posted on what they say at the ultrasound. Best of luck!!! :) Since her bleeding stopped and the sac was still in tact, it sounds good to me!!
I had an IUD and they removed it last week after a +hpt, They did an us that day which showed a definite sac and the IUD in place, she removed the IUD and has been ck'g HCG levels which are slowly creeping, but not doubling. They tell me they cant see anything on an us until my HCG hits 1500, but its so low and my calculations say i am apporx 4-5weeks by my record and my LMP...I am terrified now that it may be a blighted ovum i keep reading about???Should I insist on an us and if so, will we see anything?? I feel like i'm just in limbo...this wasnt planned, but now that its here, i want it to progress and be healthy. i'm not spotting or cramping at all, but my b___st dont feel as tender, but i'm still eating alot , fatigued, and gaining weight???any advise?
First off..... you shouldn't be gaining any weight that soon... But, also... I just want to tell you that I recently got pregnant off birth control also.. But, it was the pill... Anyhow, they usually say that they cannot see it on the u/s until your HCG hits 2000. Hardly before that... The day I found out, it was 11 days past ovulation. My HCG was 132 and oviously we couldn't find anything in the uterus. 46 hours later (so, just about 2 days) my HCG was 370... but, I had to go back a week later to get my next ultrasound. Sure enough, one week later... it was there and huge. So, sometimes it my just implant late. Give it another week. By then, you should see something. But, if your numbers are barely going up, and not doubling, then thats not a good sign.. Best of luck!!!! OH, what was your HCG when you went into the dr.?
How soon after having a d/c can you get pregnant? Had one 4wks ago, a week ago I went in to have my follow up but they did not check my blood level, am not sure if they were suppos e to, after having one(D/C) or they only do that after having a m/c. Havent had my period as yet also.