7 Weeks Pregnant Empty Sac
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I am new to this board and am experiencing the same thing. I am 7 weeks pregnant and had my 2nd ultrasound today. There was a 2nd sac but it was much smaller than the healthy fetus and they didn't see anything in the 2nd sac. Is it still possible that this is a twin??
I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but my story is not that encouraging, but you should be prepared. My 5 1/2 week ultrasound showed an empty sac. At 7 1/2 weeks we saw the baby and the heartbeat. At 9 1/2 weeks the sac was empty (transv____al ultrasound). Apparantly it had died and had been reabsorbed. If your first ultrasound is not till 8 or 9 weeks or later and the doctor tells you it's a blighted ovum or empty sac, that doesn't mean you never had a baby with a heartbeat... It just disintegrated before you ever got to see it.
I had an empty sac and lost it at 12 weeks.
Erin- you are totally correct... My last pregnancy, we seen the heart flicker and the fetal pole, etc... Then the last u/s, they said it was "empty". Just 2 days before it, it was there... So, your body just absorbs it when its not going the way it should... Yes, sometimes it just never really develops, and sometimes it started to, but then when it was started going wrong, your body's natural way of working, starts to absorb it.
My uterus was empty the in my first u/s, a week later there was an empty sac, the following week we saw a white spot, which was the the baby and the following week after that a heart beat was finally detected. Basically, I think you need to see a progression in the pregnancy. Hope this helps.
I've had two miscarriages that started like that it just means your body hasn't recognized there is no baby yet. It will when it's ready probably soon, and if it doesn't your doctor will probably send you for a D&C. I'm sorry but don't give up you will have the baby of your dreams.
i just found out monday that i had a miscarriage it started of with a pinkish color when i used the bathroom and now i am still pouring blood and i am going through labor pains friday i am getting a D & C done... the doctor's sceen my sac but the same as you there was no kid and it hurt so bad emotionally and physically i am only 16 years old i know thats young but i had so much love for my kid and its really sad so if you are going through the same thing i am so sorry and hopefully we have better luck next time
Christina.... How far along were you?? Also, after you have your D&C (I had that done 3 months ago, and its not bad at all)...... You should not have s_x for awhile and should start on birth control. Give your body a great and don't get pregnant again so soon.
just two days ago i had a D&C done.i had exactly the same expirience. it is called a blighteed ovum.but do not despair i understand what you are going through.getting your self so excited only to find out their is nothing there.but i am sure that in the future u will find yourself pregnant again and about to give birth to a perfectly healthy child.good luck to you as a blighted ovum may not be true in your case...maybe there is a little baby waiting for you...but i was also informed that blighted ovums are fairly common and usually only happen once.god bless you
Amelia- You ovulate again after a D&C or m/c within the week that your HCG hits 0. I don't know how far you were when you had your D&C or what your HCG was, but just keep in mind that you are extremely fertile the week your HCG hits 0. It took me 5 weeks for my HCG to get all the way back down, and I got pregnant that week it did. I ovulated 35 days after my D&C. So, I would have had my period 49 days after my D&C. Well, I am now 9 weeks pregnant with a strong healthy baby this time. Best of luck!!
I went for my 1st u/s 2 days ago and the sack was empty. I was meant to be 11 weeks but they said i looked more like 16 weeks. I had to have a d&c on the same day. I had no signs of m/c at all. I also had a m/c 10 months ago.
Hi I'm back I posted my pragnancy status here a couple of weeks ago , today I want to raise everyone's hopes high. I was in the same shoe as evryone three weeks ago, no certainty of my pragnancy but today God proven me again he his greater than man and than the modern technology. I was told that I had a empty sac that didn't worry me because I have faith and my faith got me through the tough time. After all the uncertainty today we heared the heartbeat of my baby. To God be the glory. I lived with the word of God :you have not because you ask not, and ask and you shall recieve I did now I'm a living testimony I have a baby because of faith. Ladies I say put your trust in the Lord and he will never fail you. Leave it all to his hands and he'll take care of it. God bless everyone, I will be praying fro those who are still going to uncertainty in their pragnancy don't loose hope.Prayers always works it work for me.
I wonder if all these early ultrasounds are more trouble than they're worth. Here in the UK we don't get a scan until 12 weeks!
Hi all, i went for my first u/s 10 days ago and we could see a heart beat...more like a tiny flutter, the obgyno said we were about 6 weeks pregnant. Today i went back and there's the sac and yolk but NO heart beat! So sad as it would of been our first. I have been bleeding since i found out i was pregnant, so it wasn't going to be smooth sailing i knew that. But once we sw the heart beat i thought i was on a winner, still i had a 50/50 chance of holding on to it. Now the doc has booked me in for a another u/s more hi-tech than his. If still nothing than i'll need a d&c...so frustrating, now we have to wait all that time again. I still have sore b___sts, eating madely...can't figure it out. Any chance we will see the heart beat again? I know it sounds dumb but we really wanted this baby with all our hearts.
Lisa- what was the heartbeat at (the bpm)? Also, did it measure correctly for the dates?? My last pregnancy the heartbeat was there for weeks and weeks, but it was only a flicker and never got better. Finally my last ultrasound there was no more flicker. They did a color flow thing and there was no more blood going thru the fetal pole, so we knew the heart did indeed stop. I had a D&C.
(Copied from a good webpage)______ The viability of the fetus can be doc_mented in the presence of v____al bleeding in early pregnancy. A visible heartbeat could be seen and detectable by pulsed doppler ultrasound by about 6 weeks and is usually clearly depictable by 7 weeks. If this is observed, the probability of a continued pregnancy is greater than 83 percent. Missed abortion and blighted ovum will usually give typical pictures of a deformed gestational sac and absence of fetal poles or heart beat.
Normal heart rate at 6 weeks is around 90-110 beats per minute (bpm) and at 9 weeks is 140-170 bpm. At 5-8 weeks a bradycardia (less than 90 bpm) is a__sociated with a high risk of miscarriage.
Many women do not ovulate at around day 14, so findings after a single scan should always be interpreted with caution. The diagnosis of missed abortion is usually made by serial ultrasound scans demonstratinglack of gestational development.