7 Weeks Pregnant Empty Sac
831 Replies
Carolyn- thats great to call your doctor. Heck, like you said.. its your body and you want to know whats going on. Also, baby aspirin is what they usually give patients with this disorder, along with progesterone. So, I think it may actually work. :) You just have to get pregnant first!! hehe. Try not to stress too much and stay strong. I had irregular periods my whole life since I started at age 15. The best pregnancy I've had is this one I am currently on after all I went thru right before this. So, you will be blessed when the time is right! I wish you the best of luck and make sure you make a list of questions and get them all answered to your liking. Good luck!!
| kim - February 14 |
Just wanted to let you know that they saw a hearbeat last night. I will go again next week for another u/s but they said everything looked really good. Hopefully this will be one.
I need some advice please... i have been pregnant 5 times, one little girl who is 26 months... I am on day 49. My LMP was Dec 28. I did not get a + HPT until Jan 25 and on Jan 30 my hcg was only 75. On Fri Feb 3 it was 290 and on Thursday Feb 9 it was 1500. So all numbers are doubling like they are supposed to. My problem is that my u/s on Thurs Feb 9 showed a gestational sac and yolk sac but no baby. I wonder if i am just behind b/c my numbers were low off the start. Or if it is hopeless. I go back Thur Feb 16 but don't know if i can make it till then. this would be a 4th m/c. My doc is GREAT even called me at home on Sun b/c he was not on call this weekend and wanted to check on me. He says he is cautiously optimistic, but not overly optimistic. My concern also, it looked to me like the sac was collapsing, but he said nothing about it. Anyone have any ideas or input. I am going crazy.. I don't think i can handle a 4th m/c. Thanks
lsmurphy- everything sounds just fine. Its too early to see anything but the gestational sac and yolk sac at that stage. Yet, seeing those 2 things at that time is actually great news! Don't lose hope!! also, ask your doctor to check your progesterone levels or put you on Crinone 4% or 8% (or some kind of supplements).... just in case. It keeps the lining of the uterus strong. I lost 3 babies and going on that stuff saved my current one. I just turned 28 weeks today. ____KIM____ OMG, that is awesome news!!! So cool!! Did they tell you what the heartbeat was at?? did you get a picture?? Congrats!!!!
Daniella , my progesterone was 47.5 so he feels really good about that.. he just felt like we should have seen more at that u/s... i am freaking out.... thursday seems so far away... and i have had 2 m/c in the last 8 months and things don't appear any better this time.. sigh
wow! yea, all your levels sound fine. and it was just too early.. you couldn't see more. In fact, you usually cant see ANYTHING in the uterus until your HCG htis 2000 (transv____al) and your level was hardly that. Its like 3000 for transabdominal. Anyhow, I bet you'll see so much more on your next scan. Try to breath!! I know its hard after having prior loses... but this one sounds good!!!
Hi Ladies - first of GOOD LUCK with all of your u/s's and hope you all get the joy of seeing your healthy pregancies REALLY soon!! I am in the same boat as several of you and am very scared not to have seen a viable pregnancy by now. I have not spotted or cramped at all and am getting MAJOR pregnacny symptoms (got my BFP Jan. 28th) - last AF was 12/31, putting me at about 47 day (6w,5d) since last period, or about 32 days since conception, or about 5 weeks... I had a v____al ultrasound @ 3w,4d last Thursday and of course they saw notthing - way too early, but yesterday they only saw a 7 mm very round healthy-looking sac, without a yolk or embryo in it - is it still just too early to see anything at 6w,4d??? I saw other ladies got to see the yolk sac, embryo and some even a heartbeat by now. My hcg levels did look ok though @ 8,467 .... I am going back for anothe ultrasound in 6 days and will be 7w, 4d. Do you think there's a good chance I'll finally see the embryo then??? My doc says it's a 50/50% chance of either blighted ovum or normal pregnancy just not seen yet because it's too early - what do you think???? I am a nervous wreck and would really appreciate anyone's replies! PS I'm 42, so I'm at a much higher risk for chromosomal defects or blighted ovums - THANK-YOU!
gcmickens-I think it is to early. Do not let them do anything until you are absolutely sure that it is a blighted ovum. I know it is hard not to worry but I really think it was to early to see anything. The dr tried to tell me that I was 7 wks and they didn't see anything but I knew I was only 5 wks. As far as the chromosome problems, that can occur at any age. I was 26 when I had my daughter who had trisomy 18. She only live 5 days but every moment w/ her was precious. Good luck! Keep us posted what you find out at next Dr. appt....Daniella- the provera worked and I got my period lst Tues. I have been tracking bbt and hope this is the month for me : )
To the ladies on Provera--just wanted to share my story with you. I went to the Dr on Dec 11th because my period had been irregular and we were not able to conceive in almost a year. Well my cycles were messed up--I had a 45 day cycle, a 21 day cycle then a 27 day cycle.My Obgyn decided to give me 7 days of provera, he said it would help regulate(jumpstart is the word he used) my period, and told me to start taking them on Dec 19, my lmp was Dec 5th.Well DH and I only BD ONCE the whole month, Dec 14th and I was due to Ovulate on the 19th according to Dr. Well my period never came and I got my BFP Jan 5th. I read in so many places that the provera may cause birth defects and am praying the baby is ok--have had 3 scans because of cramping and some minor spotting but everything looks great, they got the baby heartrate of 111 at 5w5days and on my last at 9w4days HR was 178, baby measured normal and everything looks great except for a fibroid that is giving me some grief. So, just a heads up, you can get pg while on the provera even though they say there is a chance of genital defects. Dr seems to think the extra progesterone that it gave me helped me to conceive.Baby dust everyone.
Daniella--wow our stories are VERY similiar! I think the provera is what helped this baby stick too! Only difference is my DH is not military--he is a truck driver. COngrats on your little one...me I have 29 more weeks to go, am 11 weeks today.
LS Murphy - how did your next u/s go??? Mine is this Wed. 2/22 - I'll be 7 1/2 weeks since LMP or about 5 1/5 since conception and if we don't see a yolk or embryo by then it's pretty hopeless - my hcg's are over 10,000 but my doc gives me a 50/50 for a blighted ovum since all we saw @ 6 1/2 week was an empty sac - good luck and prayers to all of you still waiting and hopeful!
| Nat - February 21 |
Gcmickens - just thought i'd let you know that at 6w 3d's I was also given 50/50 chance of blighted ovum. They could only see gest. sac and yolk sac, no embryo and 2 weeks later I had another scan. Everything was ok and I am now 22 weeks and all is well. I really hope all is well for you - and that you get the news you are hoping for, don't give up hope just yet xx
Unfortunately, not well... The sac has begun to collapse,but the worst news is that i also have an ectopic. Maybe it was the clomid, who knows, but i have had a shot of methotrexate in hopes that it will resolve it, if not then i will have to go to surgery...i am still hopefull for all you and hope and pray that you see that little heartbeat at your next appt...
LSMurphy - I am so sorry for your loss dear! It must be so difficult and I am also preparing myself for the worst :- ( We are here for you if you need us! On the bright side, you know it was none of your doing since it was an ectopic and you know that your DH and you can easily concieve, so even if you have been unlucky, you'll be sure to succeed next time! I wish you all the best sweetie, and if you need to vent and help with depression following this, you can join some threads here or at misdiagnosedmiscarriage.com - they're reallt great and supportive... Hang in there - it will all be ok and you will probably be pregnant again soon with a lovely healthy baby! To Nat: Txs for your encouraging words :-) Were you 6w, 3d since LMP or since conception? Because I'll be 7w, 4d since LMP or about 5w, 4d since conception tomorrow - or a week later than you - hope they see what you saw! I have one more day of anguish ahead of me argh!!! Txs for all of your good wishes!
| Nat - February 24 |
Gcmickens - i was 6w 3d's since LMP, not conception. but I had to wait 2 weeks so when everything was seen as ok, I was 8w 3d's since lmp. Do let us know how things work out for you. Do you still feel pregnant? I just kept refusing to believe it was a blighted ovum and stayed really positive. Good Luck !
i was 10 weeks-ultra sound showed no baby-a sack but no baby-i have no doubt i was pregnant-sick, b___st tenderness...they wasked me if i had any bleeding, ets. i said no. that night i began cramping, spotting. 3 days later i had the most painful miscarriage-while in the hospital, my water brokr, lost allot of blood and some clots. then one big blob-i a__sumed it was the sack-i never saw any baby-did another v____al u.s., sent me home saying nothing showing-my levels still high in blood. the next day, i started cramping hard again-i paddes what was shaped like the fetus, hard and white ish. if nothing showed on US, what was this? -CONFUSED