7 Weeks Pregnant Empty Sac
831 Replies
I wen to the Dr two days ago and he makes me an ultrasound, he told me that the sac is empty, I am 6 weeks pregnant and he makes me a HCG blood test, the hcg test came high (8025) is that good or bad, It could be an ectopic pregnancy?
sorry i have one question. what happend if 6 weeks pregnant women having lots of bleeding?
I went for my first ultrasound at 7+ weeks. I did an abdominal u/s as I had bad experience with transv____al u/s. The doc was reluctant to do ab u/s as she said it's too early, but my sis-in-law who is a doc said the u/s should be able to detect by 7 weeks.
Anyway, I went ahead and there was empty sac! The doc was not very sympathetic said will send me for blood tests. I offered to do the transv____al u/s, she said no need which is really frustrating me.
I had m/c before and am very afraid that this is not gonna be good news too. As far as I know, my dates are accurate but doc said the uterus in the u/s doesn't look like 7 weeks. Now I just have to wait for the results of blood tests. :(
I just got my ultrasound but all we saw was the sack, the doctor said i'm 5 week's along. She told me the lining was thicking up. If I go with a full bladder I should be able to see my baby.
Yep! That is all I can say. I never saw the baby and I went through my D&c last week at 12 weeks. I guess there is comfort in knowing we aren't alone?
I've posted a few times before.
I thought I would continue and finish my story...I just spoke with my doctor and he said that my Hcg levels are decreasing. They were at 57,000 on Friday and dropped to 52,000 yesterday. If I don't miscarry by next week I'll have to go for a D&C. I'm very sad but I pretty much knew as I've lost almost all my pregnancy symptoms. I'm going to see a gynaecologist next week to do some tests. Hopefully we can figure out what's going wrong as this is my 2nd failed pregnancy in a year.
I wish the best for you all...good luck!!!
Sorry to hear about that Leanne. I got my hcg levels results, it is rising, 39260 last Friday and 50035 on Monday. Doc still wants me to go for 3 more blood draws and refuse to see me for transv____al ultrsound till the blood results are back. Accordingly, if I am in my early 7 weeks, an abdominal ultrasound may not have shown anything but the doc. just want to wait and see. So now, I know I am not miscarrying but is mine Molar pregnancy or Etopic pregnancy? I don't know??? :(
Okay here is my story...if anyone can help I would REALLY appreciate any advice...I had an ultrasound done on 6/16 and showed I was 6wks 3days I had a little brownish discharge only when I wiped so that was the reason for the U/S then I was told that they found a possible subchorionic bleed....today when I by my OB office and picked up copies of my ultrasound report and the final impression from the radiologist states "cystic material in endometrial cavity mybe due to subchorionic bleed or possibly blighted ovum or molar pregnancy"???? Now we heard the heartbeat last Thursday when I had the u/s, how is it possible to have a blighted ovum and a fetal heartbeat?? or a molar pregnancy with a fetal heartbeat??? Please help I am a mess over this....
i went in for my 1st prenatal @ 9wks and was told my preganancy is not progressing, they saw an empty sac. and my doctor told me that this week i was to come in for a dnc, i told him that he was lying and that with the way i feel am so sure that my baby was alive, they did a blood test again and my beta level was still too high. then they called me to come in and do a stat u/s, and lo and behold i saw my 10wk and 6dys baby with the big head and all, heartbeat normal, hands and feet moving. i cried like i have never cried b/4 and thanked God. without God nothing is possible, believe Jesus, if u really want ur baby to be alive, trust him, he is the master of turning impossible situations into possible. he is the miracle worker, it does not matter who u r, where u come from, what u have done, just give him ur burdens, believe me, am a living testimony. Jesus will do it. 6 u/s with nothing, i saw for myself, but i held on, with my life believed him.
Thanks Eby for your story, it's definitely very encouraging! I am keeping myself POSITIVE !!!!
I had an u/s at 5wks 6 days no baby all sac. Then I went back at 10 weeks & baby was huge. Don't worry and don't let your dr's make you scared. My dr's said it was perfectly normal this early. This happened on my second pregnancy after one healthy baby and a miscarrage prior to the baby. Let your body tell you if everything is okay.
I just went in for an ultrasound yesterday at 5 weeks 1 day and there was an empty sac. The dr. said I only have a 15 % chance of having a normal pregnancy because he has good equipment and it should show by now. My numbers later that day should the normal doubling. I have another ultrasound tomorrow but I am so nervous. The doctor seemed so negative and looked teary, because this would be my 3rd miscarraige
Melissa, don't worry too much..I know it's easier said than done, I am also constantly consoling myself. But sometimes 5 weeks 1 day may be still too early to detect anything. Best of luck to you!
Are you all going for such early ultrasounds because of bleeding or is it just routine where you live...I am in Canada and my first ultrasound was at 19 weeks and then at 23 weeks...the doctor didn't check for a fetal heartbeat until about 10 weeks at my first appointment, I guess it may be different in the states or if you have a history of problems in this or other pregnancies...it just seems that with so many of you having false results that maybe they should hold off on ultrasounds until later if everything looks okay...good luck to all of you who are in the this very anxious situation.
I just want to say thank you to everyone who has left a message. I just found out that I am 6 wks preg. I started spotting so they sent me for an ultra sound at which they found nothing. My husband is a carrier of syndrome 7 so my chances of having a healthy baby are less than 30% because I have a 4 year old that is healthy but a carrier. I had to read this page a little each day because I felt like a piece of my heart was missing but at the same time it gives me hope that maybe it is too soon to tell. Reading this helped me come to grips that this may be happening I knew it was a poss. but didn't think it would hurt this much. So again I thank all of you it's nice not to feel so alone.