8 Weeks No Heartbeat But Yolk And Embryo Exists
415 Replies
Hi all - Just a quick note to everyone - I originally posted back in January going through the same thing as you all, I had a D & C after no heartbeat was found. The process went fine and I went through the procedure ok.. Mentally it was tough but I got through it. Went right back to work and started plugging on... Little did I know that my emotions would come back in full force around what would of been my due date. Of course, when I found out that I was pregnant, I marked my calendar at work every week through my due date... so I had to look at that every day, which was a nice reminder to what "could have been" ... On and around my due date which was September -- I became very weepy and very emotional - My dr. informed me that this was very normal ... that our bodies just "know" when our due dates are/were even if we didn't. So... I just wanted to let everyone know and to expect some emotional roller coasters even after the process is over. I'm generally not an emotional person and thought I had handled the miscarriage well... but I didn't expect the emotional time right around what would of been my due date. Just know that any and all emotions are ok..it's ok to be weepy and it's ok to feel sad... I will keep everyone in my prayers....
Here's an update from my last ultrasound. I had my 9 week ultrasound today and still nothing, just an empty sac, no yolk sac, no fetus, nothing. I have been doing blood work everyday for the past 3 days and I know there's no chance my HCG levels have risen. I've accepted that this pregnancy is over. Now I'm just scared about taking the special pill to induce contractions to clean out my uterus. It's been an emotional rollercoaster. Not knowing this past weekend was the worst. I kept crying and breaking down. I just want this over with now. I don't see my doctor for another 2 days and it will feel like an eternity. The Ultrasound woman wouldn't let my husband come in to see the ultrasound, which is a really bad sign. Part of me wants a D & C but I'm afraid of the possible scaring and complications. I'm angry that my body is holding on, I just wish I would bleed out and get it out of me. My friends who miscarried bleed at 6 and 7 weeks and I'm at 9 weeks with no cramps and no spotting, it's so weird.
I can't wait for something to happen on it's own, one of my best friends is an Oby-gyn and she said that some women will not bleed for up to 13 weeks, even though the embryo and fetus is dead. This is so disturbing. My husband and I were so excited when we got pregnant, we told our families and best friends and now I have to tell everyone the bad news. I don't regret the sharing the news but now it's harder to tell everyone the bad news. Anyhow, does anyone have any experiences they can share about the drug that induces contractions and miscarriage?
Elaine- I am in the very same situation as you. I went yesterday for another u/s my sac keeps growing I measured 8 wk 0 days, right where it should be, but with nothing in it, no hb, no yolk sac, nothing. I was talking to the ultra sound tech and we were talking about maybe a moler pregnancy. It's were your sac keeps growing and in some women it could all the way up to 9 months, with nothing in it, and could become very serious.I am VERY heartbroken as well. But I've had several u/s done and could not see anything, so I getting use to the fact, it's not like the first time the dr. told me. Then I was a big ball bag!!! It's more like a closure now for me. I am to go have my pre-ob done on thursday and a dnc done on Friday. The nurse told me that I should only bleed for a few days very light, and to wait until I get a neg. on a home preg. test, which should only be like 2 weeks, and then we could try again. I will keep you in my prayers, because I know exactly what you are going through.
Elaine - I highly recommend having a D & C. It is a very fast a simple procedure that is frequently done. Someone I know had the pills (Cytotec?? sp) and she had terrible cramping and shaking. Then all the tissue didn't pa__s and she had to do it all over again a week or so later. With the D & C, you are done and over with and you know that all the tissue is out. It was the best thing I did as it made the pain of miscarrying a little easier as you got it out of your system immediately. Good luck with your final decision.
Dear Daye and Cristina,
Thank you for writing me. Daye and Cristina I am so sorry for both of your losses. Somehow knowing others that are going through the same thing you are going through really helps the healing process. It's been a rough week. I was told after my 2nd ultrasound, where they saw nothing was that I might have an ectopic pregnancy and should go to the hospital right away to see a specialist. Though the sac is empty, by HCG levels are rising so my doctor is really confused. Then my doctor called back 2 hours later to say she didn't think it was an ectopic anymore. Now I have an appointment tomorrow to see a obygyn. I just want this over with. Cristina, I think you're right, I'm now going to opt for the D&C, I also heard you can get an I-pa__s which is a more gentle procedure. All I know is that I can't stand the waiting anymore. I'm dreading taking those drugs that will cause cramping and naseau... I've been through enough, don't need more pain. Anyhow, I'm keeping both of you in my thoughts. You're right, at least we know we can get pregnant and I look forward to being on a message board with you guys about our next healthy pregnancy and chat about our beautiful babies to compare notes about. Warmest Wishes. I'll keep you posted on what happens after my appt tomorrow.
| Amy - November 3 |
I am sorry for your losses. AI had an US today. I am supposed to be 7wks and 6days. They said that the see an embryo sack and a yolk sac and they look fine. I am scheduled for a second us for a week from today. This is my first pregancy and I am concerned. The waiting is the worst part.
I was in serious denial after the doctor told me everything, so I opted to miscarry naturally. I did miscarry naturally, but it was so hard because I seen the sac my baby was in. But things did not end there for me. I then had to get the D&E done anyway because everything did not come out and an infection started. The days I waited in between the miscarriage and surgery were very painful, my body kept cramping up. It was so hard to try to heal emotionally when I was still going through the pain. The D&E didn't hurt a bit. I felt great just a few hours after having it done. My emotions will take longer to heal, if ever. It is something I will never forget. I still spend some nights crying. Well my point here is get the procedure done. It will more then likely save you from more heartache. I keep all of you in my prayers. Lots of luck and love.
i am 7 weeks and 5 day. I had u/s done yesterday and it showed no heart beat. how is this possible??i'm really worried.
| . - November 4 |
My heart goes out to those of you who are still waiting. That is the hardest part. Know there are always women her listening and supportive. You are in my prayers.
I had my first ultrasound on October 29th, 2005. The embryo was only approximately 6 weeks four days since conception on the GE 3D ultrasound machine. They managed to pick up a strong heartbeat though. I had some dark brown spotting 4 days later with no cramps. I got rearended last night by two trucks and the ultrasound in the ER picked up the emryo and placenta, but NO heartbeat. I am approximately 7 weeks four days and the heart seems to have stopped beating since last week. I am going to sue the other drivers if they caused me to lose this pregnancy. I go back on November 7 for another US with the 3D machine. I am still feeling pregnant today and my hcg level was 20,180 last night.
i went through the same thing, i was 7 weeks pregnant and the doc didnt detect a heartbeat and said the baby was too small for 7 weeks, more like 5... and she told me to wait 10 days to be sure, and in 10 days we were supposed to go back to check for a heartbeat again and see if it had grown any... and after only 8 days i had miscarried. the doctor just wants you to wait in case there is improvement. you dont want to go ahead with the D&C until youre absolutely sure its a miscarriage. i really hope it isnt. i will pray for you.
Well ladies, I had my DNC done on Friday, and I am back at work today. I had a lot of back unconfortness. I also had a head ache for 2 days, but today is better. I'm pretty emotional now, knowing that I'm not pregnant anymore. I have only spotted,very light. No cramping or anything like that. I am very surprised! For any of you who are weighing the thoughts of do I have a natural miscarriage or a DNC I would recommend a DNC. You are not in any pain, and you have quicker closure so you can try again if you wish.
I am really confused. I had my last period on Sept 12/05. So according to that i'm presently 8 weeks. I started spotting on Thursday sept 3 after bowel movement. I went to the doctor and she ordered a u/s.I had an u/s done on nov 3/05 and blood work for HCG. The u/s shows no bleeding but there's no heart beat and HCG level is at round 11,000(at this time I was 7 weeks and 5 days) I had some repeated blookwork on nov 5 and nov 6. On Nov 5 my HCG level was over 17,000 and on Nov 6 at over 20,000. Are these numbers correct?? I am now 8 weeks. I am really confused and worried. The spotting does not is not much, i've spotted 2 times (very light, brown colour) in the last 5 days. Doctor said that i should bed rest. I am really worried someone please help. I need some answers.
Your HcG levels can continue to increase even if your baby does not have a heart beat. That is what happened to me. They didn't detect a heart beat at 8 weeks and at that time I was at 167,000 for my HcG level. When I went back a week later to see if I had a heartbeat, there was none but my levels went up to 200,000. What happens is that your body has the tissue inside of you so because it detects "pregnancy", it will continue to produce hormones up until you have a m/c or the D & C. I hope this helps!
| KP - November 9 |
Quick Q. I heard that patch may be the cause of some recent miscarriages even if you were off when you got preg. I dont think I believe this but, What do you think?
KP - Are you talking about Ortho Evra?