I went to the Dr yesterday and I'm 10wks preg. We did an u/s and the heart rate was extreamly slow and they baby is not growing.
He said that I wold miscarry. Anyone had this problem?
I am so sorry to hear about your news. All I can say is pray. Miracles do happen everyday. Maybe your doctor is wrong. My story isn't a happy ending. I went in last week thinking I was 8w...my US said only 6w and the baby's heart beat was very slow. They told me it didn't look good, but I stayed hopeful. This past week has been hard. I went for another US and they couldn't find a heart beat. I still wasn't totaly sure...but had a bad feeling. They scheduled me for yet another US which I didn't end up having to go to because they checked my hormone levels, and they were going down instead of doubling....so that means miscarriage for sure. I was going to wait and hope it happened naturally like my first miscarriage....but I have now decided to do a D&C Monday...Valentines day of all days. I think it will help me to move on, and I will not be worried about infection or left over tissue. I am sorry I don't have a better story for you. Like I said though...pray....you never know what God has in store for you! I will put you in my prayers. God bless and good luck!
Cindy, the exact same thing happened to me at 8 weeks and the babies heart eventually stopped and I completely miscarried on my own this month. However, the doctor did give me a 50/50 chance to maintain the pregnancy so I know there is hope. Have them repeat the scan to see if the heart rate is going up and if the baby is growing. Good luck.