Blood In My Uterus 6 Weeks Prego
6 Replies
I have been having irregular paps for about 2 years and about a year ago found out that I have pre cancer cells on my cervix. I had a cervical cone biopsy about 7 months ago. I just found out that I am 6 weeks pregnant. My Dr. did a va___al ultrasound to find out how far along I was (I had been on the pill) and found blood in my uterus. He said not to panic and that it could be implantation bleeding. Nothing is actually coming out yet and the Dr says it might not, but I could have a miscarriage. I'm freaking out! Could this be from the problems with my cervix? This is my second pregnancy. I have an 8 yr old daughter. I feel like this is my miracle baby since I really had it in my head that I would need a hysterectomy. I don't want to lose this baby. I'm trying to stay calm. If you have any advise or knowledge about this I will appreciate any input.
I ahve no knowledge about this, but I do know someone who is a miracle worker, just pray to GOD and he will make a way. I'm going through something to, my period is 2 weeks early, I have had the regular symptoms of pregnancy. Right now I feel about 3 or 4 mths, but I know I am not that far. I have been getting up 3 days in a row still blood. But I read my bible and GOD said everything is going to be alright! Let's go into agreement, if two or more shall agree, he will move in the midst of the storm. If you want to pray let me know, it can be done tonight, now. We have to learn how to fight the devil off.
I totally agree. I have been praying since I got this news. It's all I can think about. Try to be optomistic and keep praying. God will help us through. Thank you for reminding me that I'm doing all I can. Maybe what is happening to you is this implantation bleeding that my OB told me about. My prayers are with you. Good luck!
I am 9 weeks pregnant w/twins and I also had a bleed around the babies. I did pa__s the blood a few days ago and my babies are doing fine. They told me it would be a little bit and brown, but it was A LOT and red. I bled for about 6 hours and now just spotting. Hang in there, you should be just fine.
That does make me feel a lot better. I still haven't seen any sign of bleeding or cramping. It's been almost 2 weeks. I have to go in for another ultrasound in 2 weeks, so hopefully that will show that it's been absorbed.
Thanks for sharing your story, it gives me hope! :)
see Lisa how things work out! just keep the faith and Know that everything is gonna be alright, don't even think about the issues.that is when satan tries to step in,but it is up to you to let him know he has no ground there, i am not all that perfect, but i put God first, that is what counts he will do the rest. Now my period was due, normally, sept.20, on 21 i felt real bloated like i was on my period, iam still bloated, ga__sy,undecided on foods, everything smells good or stink, i smoke cigs, but can't stand to smell them now i try not to get mad but it seems as if i can't help it. Well, i spotted those 2 days, light pink, and now i am just keeping the faith. Noew you know your not the only one who is going through issues, we all are going to have some, it is just left up to us.
Stephanie everything is going to be alright with you to, both of you keep posted, i will to and you all pray for me, we can pray can pray for each other and have powerful testimonies. remember, "when two or three are gathered together in my name, there i am in the midst of them." those are his words. Matt.18:20. it is up to us to beleive them. God bless you both!
Thank you Monique. I will keep you guys in my prayers!! Keep me posted.