I Hope Someone Has Answers
1 Replies
I have been trying to concieve for 1 year now and I just found out that I am 5 weeks pregnant. At first my hcg levels were strong at 239 at 4 weeks pregnant but my progesterone level were debatable at 6.5ml (supposed to be b/w 1.0 and 10.0). I was put on progesterone supossitories and had blood taken today to check my levels and make sure they are steadily rising. My progesterone over doubled to 15.3 but my hcg went down to 108. They are telling me it is just a waiting process and they will take blood again in a couple of days and see what the levels are. I am supposing this is a threatened miscarriage? Is there any chance of the hcg levels rising or should I expect the worst? They tell me not to worry b/c things happen for a reason but that is easier said than done.
I went to the docor and they told me im having a miscarrige but my hcg level were high they want me to go back to the doctor on wensday to get them we check and im also bleeding i dont no what going to happen but i wouldnt worry unless you start too bleed pregency is supose to be fun try to think postive i am and i have god on my side