I have read alot of the post here and I have not found anything about my situation. My last AF was Aug 5. 1 week before I should have started I had light bleeding. The bleeding has continued on for almost 4 weeks now. I have taken 2 hpt's and they were both neg. I even went to the er where the dr was puzzled as to why my body was doing this because I am only 24 years old and he diagnosed me with hormone changes. He did a blood test and it was negative. I was checked for cysts and thyroid problems and both were negative. My question is why have i been bleeding for a month now and why would my hormones change now. I have always been regular 7 days with all the pms symptoms. Please someone help. Could I really be pregnant and it not show up. Ps I have a 5 year and a 3 year old and use no kind of protection with my husband. Thank you