| Amy - December 14 |
I am 6 weeks pregnant. Last night I stood up from the dinner table and had a sharp stabbing pain in my left side and got a mild headache. The pain did not feel like a normal cramp. I am wondering if anyone else has ever experienced this type of pain. It has not happened again. I rested for the remainder of the evening. Should I be concerned.
The fact that you are experiencing uni-lateral pain as opposed to pain on both sides, would be cause for concern. If you are still experiencing pain, I would see your Dr. to rule out an ectopic.
| t - December 17 |
i don't think you should be to concerned but you should let your doctor know just to be on the safe side. the same thing happended to me and everything end up being ok.
| Amy - December 17 |
I saw my doctor today and he performed a TV Ultrasound. He could see the gestational sac, but that was it. He also found a cyst on my left side, which he thinks is what was causing the pain. He thinks it will go away on its own.
Amy make sure he keeps an eye on that cyst..and yes they do create pain...just make sure they watch it to make sure it goes away and does not grow...good luck