i went in for an ultrasound today and it was determined that i am 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant. however, the radiologist said that she could not detect a heartbeat. this terrified me, because she said that she almost always finds it at 5 or 6 weeks. i am extremely worried. please help.
| Ch - September 10 |
Speak with your doctor to find out if you really need to worry at this point or not. I have had a few friends that heartbeats weren't detected until closer to 7 weeks or just after. Good luck.
I had an u/s at 5 weeks 4 days and did not find a heartbeat. I went back the next week at 6 weeks 4 days and found one at 120bpm. At 7weeks 4 days 160 bpm. Don't worry yet.
Girl what are you worried about? The heart starts to beat around 6 to 7 weeks. Don't worry yourself it is not good for the baby