Could I Be Having An Early Miscarriage
3 Replies
I took several hpt's all 1st response and answer ealry, and all +. Af was due tuesday, and the + were, tue, wed, and thur. Well today I started bleeding, I'd say lightly, not showing up on a pad, but a little more than spotting. But it's pretty dark, not clotty I am having slight cramps. I am 4 weeks and a few days pregnant, or 2 weeks and a few days gestational age. Is this the end?
I am 5 weeks and i am have bleeding it was light pink but now it is brownish red. my stomach just feels gasy not crampy but i too am concerned of a miscarrage
Colleen, since you are still very early in the pregnancy is could be implantation bleeding. This sometimes happens up to 2 weeks after ovulation and is totally normal. However, I'd make an appt with your doctore ASAP so he/she can do a u/s and monitor the situation. Check out this link for more info: