hi tera yes the doctors should by law have to tell you that it can cause abortion/ i am very aganist abortions no matter the cic_mstances, i think i just had one and that is just horribale to think that. iam very much considering suing the doctor becuase of his lack. iam a prolife all the way and yes the egg is a baby from fertilzation now i have been looking this up all over the place and doctors use to think that a baby is from fertilazztion until they invinted these iud and the pill and then they changed their minds and changes the definition of when you are really pregnant from the egg to not until it implants just to protect themselfs and so they could bascially hide that these things are killing babys. it is not right i have an articale that satates with so many women having an iud in that we are apro. killing 18 million babies plus a year. how wrong is that.. abrtions are wrog no matter how you look at it.
I guess some of the pills work this way too, but I always thought the bc pills just kept you from ovulating. Again, I think it's a lack of education and concensus on the definition of 'pregnant' that is at issue. I didn't want to get pregnant, this is true, but I did not want to kill a child either. Then I think of how complicated and dangerous the pregnancy would/could have been had the child survived as well. So, I think there are a lot of variables that maybe don't get considered early on with these devices. They just say it's so unlikely that you'll get pregnant that it's not even worth worrying about, which if all of this is true, is a lie. It's not that you don't get pregnant, it's that you don't have a healthy pregnancy that gets detected before it aborts. There is a big difference. I don't know how you'd go about proving it, so I guess removing the IUD would be a personal choice and getting educated is a mutual responsibility between the patient and hc provider. I know we could do better with that. Perhaps the FDA is the place to start with trying to make it mandatory that people understand how the IUD works to prevent pregnancy...I don't know. Like I said, it's not like we can prove it, it's a matter of believing that all of us can't be hallucinating...
I can definitely appreciate this website and the info that it provides for each of us who all have IUDs, but what I don't think that should be pa__sed along on this particular web site is your moral point of views, Tweetluc, and what your opinion is on abortion. I'm not one to say whether I agree or disagree with abortion, but under some circ_mstances, such as children conceived in incestual relationships, rape, drug users, etc., I believe that is the time that a women should speak up and have her voice heard, and her choice be made. Tweetluc, this is almost '07, women are strong and our voices SHOULD be heard, NO matter what. Those of us who choose to keep the IUD should NOT be judged. Those who live in gla__s houses should not throw stones. Women should stick together, no matter what.
yes sticking together is what we can do and yes if you choose to keep in the iud that is your personal opion. iam just trying to educate other women who beilve the same about abortion. there are things like adopition and such that will take the child if you are unwilling to keep it based on the rape drug issue. but i can only speak for myself. everyone has their own opion and they shlould follwing they way they want to. iam just letting people know what the actuall iud does to prevent pregnancy. it really allows conception and at that point the baby it alive and then it needs to travel to the uterus to survive but with an iud in it kills the egg so it can't implant and thus killing it. now everyone has their oipion and that you decide whether to keep it in or take it out. me personally don't believe in killing children no matter what iam getting it taken out. if you believe abortion it ok then you keep it in. iam not telling women to take it out iam just trying to educate them in how the iud actually works you all can take into affect your own opinons and go from there and do what you feel is right in your own opion. sorry if it sounded as i was trying to push anyone in taking it out you do as you believe. if you want to look some info about the iud i can give you web sites to look up but i have to email them to you if not then that is ok. lucy
I've read up on all the things that I need to read up on the IUD, this should be any woman's choice on whether to keep it or not. Stop condemning the people who choose to keep it, and I totally even suggest that you quit using the term "abortion" on this website. Bad enough all of us have physical ailments w/this thing, we don't need your political opinions criss-crossing it. We all have politics in our life, day to day, we just need some place to come to, and NOT talk about abortion, presidents, in-laws - we just need to talk about us sometimes. Get over yourself, lucy.
hi iam just trying to get the truth out and as you said it is a free site for people to come and talk about whatever they need to and that is what iam doing of course it is your choice to keep it in i understand that but iam trying to let the other women who believe the same things i do about abortions that that is what is happeing when you have one in. i have a right of speech and i will use it. you have every right to your speech and putting me down then i can educate women on the truth. iam not telling anyone to take it out. you do as you please and what you believe in based on yourself. iam just teaching you the truth and that is it. YOU MAKE YOUR OWN DECSION ON WHAT TO DO WITH IT. we all have our own believe and you do what you think is right not what i think. but i do have a right to educate and to give people a right to make the decsion. if you believe in abortion then fine that is your oipion. beileve me i don't want to have another child right now but i have a strong belif that abortion is wrong and i PERSONALLY would rather have children than to kill one. IAM JUST LETTING YOU KNOW THE TRUTH. you go with what you want and if keeping it in is what you beileve then go right ahead. i shoueldn't get attacked from you just becuase of my belifs. iam not telling you to take it out or to beleve any different about abortion than what you beileve so why would you attack me for my believe. iam not pusuadeing anyone to do anything but to learn about the truth that the doctors are hiding from us and that not everyone is prochoice. nothing else. so by all means you do what you believe is right and just let me educate women on an issue.I AM NOT PUTTING MY OIPOIN ON HERE TO
tell change your mind just to educate you. this site is to inform you on different things about pregnancy and other things like the iud or pills, or anything having to do with women. so iam just letting you know the truth that is all what you think of it and if you don't beileve it then just go on to the next person forum don't attack me for my oipoins and beliefs. lucy
Well, I'm sorry you feel as if I'm "attacking" you, I'm not. I'm just simply asking you to keep your opinions to yourself w/regards to the abortion issue. I believe what you said was 'abortion is wrong NO matter what,' ring a bell? honey, its pretty obvious that you do not believe in abortion ... I get it. But, like I said before, I just think that you should keep it to yourself. Freedom of speech, sure, that is why I'm writing back to you and saying that you are wrong to talk about abortion. I'm not even disagreeing w/your opinions lucy, I just think it shouldn't be on this forum. Like I said, we should all stick together in talking about this IUD thing - NOT abortion. You are really making a big deal over nothing. Again, I'm sorry if you feel as if you are being attacked. Happy holidays to you and yours. MLB
ok i just wnated to inform all the women on what the iud is really doing and how it really works. nothing else. well i should just stay off this site becuase iam not pregnant right now. iam taking the iud out iam afraid i might get pregnant but i can find other things like condoms and natural family planning to use as bieth control. the iud, pills, shot and implantations all work the same way so i will just have to work out the natural thing. thank you all who have listen to my concerns about the iud. those of you who took it the wrong way iam sorry how you felt about it. i was talking about the abortion becuase that is what the iud does to you it aborts the baby when it hits the uterus. anyway I will no longer talk about that subject unless someone else to talk about it. i wish you all the best of luck if you are pregnant and have the iud in. i really hope you all have wonderful healty babies and i hope you all enjoy being a mother. sorry if i have affened anyone. lucy(tweetlucatyahoo)
I just found out christmas morning I was pregnant. Have had m Copper IUD for 3 years. Took a home pregnancy test that turned out positive and when I went to the doctor they confirmed it also. I saw the baby during my ultrasound. Looks like the baby is quite a ways from my IUD and the doctor said it is recommended that we leave it in as long as possible. Preferrably past 36 weeks pregnant. I am 2 1/2 months pregnant. I am so glad I found this site....All I had been able to find was info on ectopic pregnancies. This was very helpful to me. Thank You all.
I wanted to share some info I heard on a tv program last night (and yes, I know it's not always reliable). Apparently this topic of whether or not life begins at conception is something that the pope has commented on and the opinion of the church is that life begins when the embryo becomes 'infused with blood', because it says somewhere in the bible that this is the time...which is about day 18 apparently. I've never studied embryology. From what I'm gathering there are only a few groups of people who consider a fertilized egg a true pregnancy. It has certainly raised my awareness and caused me to think about my views and beliefs a lot more closely. Just thought I'd share. Good luck to all. I don't have a partner right now, so the pregnancy issue is not a concern for me anymore at the moment. I will decide in Feb whether or not to leave the IUD in place.
New here too, & IUD user (Mirena), wonder if this 18 days after the blood is infused, or whatever, means that the IUD does something beforehand to the "baby" OR you are pregnant for like 3-4 weeks and then the IUD does something to the baby...either way, I too agree w/the theory that we all get pregnant and the IUD prevents it from implanting. Scary. I have 2 boys, my husband doesn't want anymore, I want one more. Makes me sad to think its over at 27 yr old.
i just experienced the pregnancy that was put away by the iud. i was pregnant for two weeks then when the egg finally reached the uterus it was over. that is the purpose in the iud and in doctors that is fine becuase they don't consider you pregnant, but in other belifs you are. iam thinking about having the iud removed becuase of that fact but then i like what it has done for the periods. iam scared to have s_x becuase i don't want to get pregnant then have it happen again. i use to have really heavy periods now they have lightened up and are almost gone. iam just at a point of trying to decied my belifs over my periods. well the best of luck to all
Well, it must be implantation because in order to get blood the placenta has to implant to get it from the mother's body. The Mirena works in three ways or more...one of the ways is it makes the lining of the uterus very thin (hence lighter or cessation of menstruation). This makes the uterus a hostile place for the embryo to implant. In this case, the embryo would never become infused with blood because it would never implant. So...that means 'not pregnant' to most it seems. I have not decided if I agree.
Definition of 'pregnant' from Merriam-Webster Online---containing a developing embryo, fetus, or unborn offspring within the body
So, at least what I'm getting from this, when we feel pregnant, we probably are...and yet we bring this up w/the DR and they tell us its in our head and is virtually "impossible." I'm actually sitting here and contemplating how many times I've felt pregnant in the past 2 yr since I've had this thing and wonder if those were the times I was and it just died. It is so hard to think about that b/c I had a miscarriage over 3 years ago and I was 10 wks pregnant and I was tore up from it - I did get pregnant and had a healthy pregnancy after, but that really kind of upsets me that there is a potential that this could be happening.