Low HCG Level At 7 Weeks

350 Replies
shari - October 25

well heres my story....so far this is my second pregnancy, i had a d&e at 5 months with my first due to turners syndrome. now 4 months later i got pregnant again and not so good news so far. i am supposed to be 7 weeks but last week i had my hcg levels checked and an ultrasound and the dr said me levels arent rising like normal. wed they were 2000, friday they were 3500. on wed i had an u/s and nothing at all. the dr said he saw breaking up like i was going to get my period. well i went again on monday and there was a sac but it was empty. he said it doesnt look good so i got anouther hcg test and i have to go for anouther u/s on friday. i am soooo bummed out, two in a row with no success. i feel really unlucky. any advice?


Amy - October 30

It's interesting to read all of your stories. My husband and I got pregnant this past July. However, 9wks and 2 ultrasounds later, we were diagnosed with an blighted ovum (empty sac with no fetus). My sac had not grown after two weeks of 5 week mark. I had a DNC the first of Aug. and we are now trying again. My problem is now that my normal ovulation and period symptoms have seemed to disappear. I was able to tell when I ovulated and when I was going to start. It was like clock work. I had a period 30 days after my DNC but was a breeze. I bleed for 7 days but no cramping. I usally cramp at least a little. This month, no ovulation signs or period symptoms and I was suppose to start on the 27th of this month (Oct.). I took a PT and it was negative. Boy is my body screwed up. I also took my temp this month to help me predict ovulation. My temp. went up on the 8th but by the 12 it was back down to normal again. Dr. said this was not normal. Temp should stay high until period. 5 days later temp went back up. I will have to start taking premitrium next month after ovulation to help prevent another miscarrage.


Belle - November 2

I am following your adv. I had a HCG done last monday it was 620 a U.S. was done and found nothing. Yesterday 8days later HCG was 4200. Today I was in the ER a sac was found with what might be a yoke and my HCG dropped to 3800. Does anyone know if it is poss. for it to come back up or me be not as far as I thought and every thing be good. I should be about 6 wks.


Michele - November 8

Ok....heres my story. My DH and I have been trying to conceive for 3 years this month. I have been on clomid for the past 2-1/2 years at different doses (currently 150mg days 3-7). I had my 1st m/c in May 2004, 2nd in October 2004, a chemical pregnancy in August 2005, and am currently pregnant with my 4th pregnancy. My LMP was Sept 13th but my cycles have been anywhere from 30 -37 days long so I am not sure exactly how many weeks I am. My first beta HCG was done at Day 30 and was 139.1, 2 days later it rose to 454. 9 days later it only went up to 697 and 2 days after that it went up to 699. Last Thursday (about 7 days since the last one) my HCG level was at 898 and then I had another one done Monday (4 days later) and was 1131. I have had 2 ultrasounds done that showed nothing. I currently have 3 doctors discussing my situation and they all think I have an ectopic pregnancy. My doctors counterpart wanted me to come in on Friday to discuss my options (TO ABORT) and I refused their options. I am going to hold off on doing anything until I know for sure that it is not a viable pregnancy. My OB/GYN told me at my last office visit that he thought I had a missed m/c and then the next day the office called and said they think it may be in my tubes because they didn't see anything on the u/s. Today my nurse told me that they really wouldn't be able to see anything until my HCG level is close to 10000. Its nice to know there is still hope this time but my husband and I are prepared for the worst. The waiting game is driving me crazy. I've had all the pregnancy symptoms (nausea but no vomiting, fatigue, tender b___sts, etc). No bleeding and no cramping (just mild cramping). Has anyone else been through this situation, and carried to term? I will keep all of you in my prayers....God has a place for all of us and I wish everyday that I could have gotten to know my 3 little angels. Good luck to you all! Baby dust all around!


Michelle - November 8

Michele, I conceived on 9/4 and found out when I was 2 weeks. My first HCG was 132 and mine went up slowly, 2 days later it was 145, six days later 356, four days later 683, 3 days later 896, 5 days later 1187 and only then wwer they able to see anything on my u/s. The day after my level of 1187, they did see a sac, however that is all they have seen. My following 2 u/s showed just the sac and my doctor has diagnosed me with a blighted ovum. She told me on 10/24 that I would miscarry within 2 weeks and I still haven't. My doctor has told me I need to have a D&C and has scheduled it for this Friday. I'm going to have one more u/s on Thursday for my piece of mind. Yours sounds a lot like this. I had all of the symptoms, with no bleeding, mild cramping. I hope this is not what you have, but you may want to be prepared for this. Surely with your HCG being what it is, if it was ectopic they could have seen it by now.


Michele - November 8

Response to Michelle: My next dr visit is tomorrow morning. Hopefully my dr will do another u/s. My dr has told me so many possibilities over the last few weeks of what could be wrong that even if he did diagnose this pregnancy with a blighted ovum, I wouldn't believe him. He is so wishy washy. I was supposed to be referred to an RE this month but got pregnant to my surprise and I have been insisting on him sending me to a specialist and he says he can't unless I'm not pregnant. Until they know for sure and can prove that this is not viable, I will wait to miscarry on my own. Doctors can be wrong!


Michelle - November 8

Michele, I feel the same way, which is why I wanted to miscarry on my own. I'm 12 weeks now and if they still see an empty sac on thursday, I will know definitely that they were correct in saying it was a blighted ovum. I've been in limbo for 8 weeks and I have insisted this whole time not having a D&C. With my sac being empty what will be a month this Friday, I can feel confident that they are correct. I don't want to have a D&C, but I dont want an infection either and that is a risk I take with waiting. I don't want to hurt my future chances at motherhood. My doctors (2 have been conferring) have been telling me since September 28th that there is a possible problem with my pregnancy with my HCG's being what they are (not doubling). They didn't know if it was ectopic or what until they finally were able to see a sac at 5 weeks after my levels topped 1200, that finalized that it was NOT ectopic. Then we waited to see if there would be anything in the sac. Not only have they not seen anything in the sac, but the sac is not growing either, however my levels are still rising. I think this is a missed m/c so if the sac is still empty on Thursday, I will have the D&C on Friday. An infection is nothing I want to have to deal with right now on top of what I've already been through these past 8 weeks being in limbo like I have. I hope that they see something on your u/s tomorrow. I keep people in my prayers that go through this because there is no explaining how painful it is to go through something like this unless you have done it yourself and now I have/am. I sincerely hope you get wonderful news tomorrow!!


t - November 9

dear greg& shannon, j, & everyone else.... I was told I was 6wks not 8wks with no baby just a mucas sac no heart and my hcg level fell 2 days after a good level I was also spotting brown discharge.(But they also did a pap and 2 pelvic exams) I go in on Nov.16th for an ultrsound please pray all is well I to wanna see what you have. And the nurses are encouraging me for DNC not my Dr. at least not yet. I feel pregnant jeans are getting snug I'm craving I just hope all goes well; I want this baby so bad. t


Michele - November 10

Doctor didn't see anything on my sonogram yesterday. Stopped progesterone yesterday. M/c started this morning.


michelle - November 10

Michele, I'm very sorry. Today my ultrasound showed nothing as well, just the empty sac that is not any bigger and is definitely empty. It also showed that my body is making no effort to expell the sac, so they are doing the D&C tomorrow.


Kelli - November 17

I was diagnosed with pcos which is when you don't ovulate normally,this was four years ago with one m/c seven years ago. Well I got pregnant again. It was a light positive like i was at the very begining of my pregnancy. The doc wanted to see my baby first before giving me any prenatal pills. Needless to say he didn't see the baby so he a__sumed the baby was either in my tubes or it could be too early to see the baby ( last period the week of oct.15) . he told me that if i had any cramps/bleeding to go to the er asap, I a__sumed that i was cramping because now i'm over reacting to everything.Well the er doc said at first because i had no bleeding or cramping that i didn't have signs of a ectopic pg. He then did a us and they seen no baby in the tubes or uterus, so he said that i was more than likely pg in my tubes because they didn't see a baby. Now i followed up ( still no crampingor bleeding) and they said the same thing because of my hcg level (115,130,124).Since the level was dropping they wanted me to take this shot that would get rid of the baby.I told her no i wanted to see what the baby is gonna do and asked them to keep an eye on my hcg level. The doc said well it doesn't really matter because it's not gonna live and the levels are gonna drop it's not like it's a baby anyway it's just a cell. I was so upset and my fiance said that we weren't getting the shot because we didn't know what was in the shot and we weren't getting any real answers.So i made another appt. with another doc. Please pray for me you guys we really need it. God bless you all.


Pat Hernandez - November 26

hello. im glad everything seems to being going good for you and your family greg. My ptayers are going out there for you and your family. My situation, is a bit different from everyones. I am 18 years old, and started experiecing some pregnancy symptoms when i was 3 weeks pregnant. I went to a clinic and found out i was 1 month pregnant. soon after my clinic....i started to experiece some light bleeding and heavy cramping, i was instucted to go to the ER,but i didnt. the following day i went to the clinic and they gave me 2 ultrasounds, because they couldnt see anything with either one. Than they did blood work to see where my hcg levels were at. I was told that the levels were very low, but that they were possibly just that low, because i was so early in the pregnancy. I was told to come back and do more blood work a few days later, becuz the hcg level should increase alot in a few days. the next day i went to a differnt clinic, and they gave me a preg test and it came back negative.so i was confused. i waited 4 days before going to do the blood work. hopeing that with 4 days the hormone level would drastically increase, but the following day the docter called me and said that the hcg droped more than half of the orignal low number i had. i was told i would naturally miscarry easily since i was only a month and 2 weeks. well a few days later i bleed heavily, had a temp of 102, and had horrible cramps,and my pregnancy symptoms went away. so i was convinced i miscarried.I even took 3 pregn test that all came back negative. But now 2 weeks after what i thought was my miscarraige, i feel pregnant again. what up with that. i havent had s_x, so i know i didnt get pregnant again. so can anyone explain whats going on. shoud i go take another test? could everyone have been misdignosing my miscarraige?


rachel - November 28

hi to all, im posting on this one as im in simialer situation to all of you. I had a scan on 21st november and was told it was ectopic, so therefore i had to decide if i wanted to have surgery or have an injection of methatroxate to dispose of the baby. i chose to have the operation for it to be over and done with so i could start putting it behind me, as the injection is a 35 day procedure. When the doctors came back around to see me they advised me to have the injection instead of the operation as it was more appropiate. I felt very pressured in to this injection so went ahead with it, but wasnt convinced with the result of my scan, but they refused to re scan me. After my injection i had to have blood tests to check my hcg level which carried on rising, of which they were getting very concerned about and they wanted me to have second dose to start bringing them down, of which i refused, and this time demanded second scan which i had today dated 28th november, that san showed a sac and york in my uterus, i couldnt believe it. They not sure yet if the injection is going to harm the baby in my uterus as yet until they re scan me again next week to see if the sac is developing. I had another lot of blood tests today of which they was only showing as 5544, 2 days ago they were 5399, so only went up slightly, they want me to go back in the morning to discuss it, and they now saying that its not an ongoing pregnancy oh and also the 1 that they say was ectopic is still there but got smaller since my injection, so basically thy saying it would of been twins. can anyone suggest in what i can do or what you think as im so upset and gutted about the whole sittuation.


Elaine - November 30

So glad to have found this site and know that I am not alone. I have already had 2 m/c this year one at 10wks and the last one was twins at 8.5wks. Am now pregnant again - though unplanned this time, and had bloods done to monitor it this time. Today, at 33 days past LMP my HCG was only 16 and I was told that was low. Am waiting for my progesterone results to come back - but suspect I am heading for my 3rd m/c in 7 months. I will be going for further bloodwork on Friday. Anyone else had the same? I just need to prepare myself - again.


Tracey in Ohio - November 30

Elaine - I have had 2 prior miscarriages (1st was twins, second was 1) then a successful pregnancy. I am surprisingly pregnant after going for my yearly exam and finding out. At first they thought it was ectopic. Not so, saw a sac last week which measured at 5 weeks. Prog test showed 9.9 which is low but was same with my successful pregnancy. HCG levels are slowly rising. Only 2593 2 days ago. Never had HCG levels monitored until now. Go for 6 week u/s today. Not expecting much. Finding some hope on this website. Have the Docs mentioned prog supplements to you since you've had 2 miscarriages in 1 year? I'm on them now. Not sure it will help but doesn't hurt to try!


angela - December 1

hello,I had a pregnancy test done on nov22nd a day after my missed period last period was oct21st .pregnancy test was positive had to test one in the er and one at my family doctor office went back to the er on nov 28th because i was experiencing a little soreness on my stomach.So they did an examination and a ultrasound the u/s teach said that my tubes were clear and that she seen a sack in my uterus but no fetus and a little fluid which she said is normal.She said i was at 5 weeks then the doctor came in and said that i maybe experiencing an ectopic pregnancy it's just hard to believe.Then they sent me to the lab in 48 hours to test my hcg level now just waiting for a phone call.The doctor said if it's low they want to give me a d&c or an injection someone please give me some advice .I already had an ectopic pregnancy this year earlier can't go through it again i don't get morning sickness is that normal i'm in no pain .Should i wait it out and get an second oppion my husband and i really want this baby.PLEASE HELP



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