Low HCG Levels At 4 And 5 Wks Pregnant

741 Replies
Nora - April 5

Ebee: Thanks for your input. I recieved my HCG results yesterday (Monday) and they have dropped to 605. Im really terrified as iam 5 weeks along which the OB dr feels that should be much higher. The light bleeding and cramping has stopped so i dont understand the decreasing numbers. Ive been trying to get pregnat for many years now and feel that perhaps this pregnacy will not make it to term. Today Tuesday i go back to the dr for a v____al ultrasound and checkup. Do you think that perhaps the lab #'s are wrong??? What do you think about taking progestrin? Malissa: I want to let you know that I am also praying for you. Your situation is similar to mine, even with the boyfriend problem, although I hope this could help somewhat: My sis is an RN for labor and delivery and cannot voice enough how stress is the common killer not just in pregnacy but also in life. Some men i believe cannot handle what seems to be surfacing at that very moment in which they handle things different then us women. My finance and I have been trying for this baby forever and now that i am pregnat he seems from time to time to also want to live the single life. I believe that perhaps us women are much stronger during this time and then men feel helpless so as i was told since there is not much they believe they cant do (which we know being there means alot) they become distant. I hope this helps some because I am too in the same boat as you. So being upset and stressed over your boyfriend shouldnt be your concern at this time (which i know its better said then done) but relax and focus on that little one inside you. Let me know how things go. I will be praying for you!


Nora - April 5

Malissa: I want to let you know that I am also praying for you. Your situation is similar to mine, even with the boyfriend problem, although I hope this could help somewhat: My sis is an RN for labor and delivery and cannot voice enough how stress is the common killer not just in pregnacy but also in life. Some men i believe cannot handle what seems to be surfacing at that very moment in which they handle things different then us women. My finance and I have been trying for this baby forever and now that i am pregnat he seems from time to time to also want to live the single life. I believe that perhaps us women are much stronger during this time and then men feel helpless so as i was told since there is not much they believe they cant do (which we know being there means alot) they become distant. I hope this helps some because I am too in the same boat as you. So being upset and stressed over your boyfriend shouldnt be your concern at this time (which i know its better said then done) but relax and focus on that little one inside you. Let me know how things go. I will be praying for you!


Ebee - April 11

I just wanted to update my last posting that as of seven weeks the heartbeat was gone and the sac was empty. The dr. could not detect a fetal pole. I'm scheduled for a D and C next week. I wish all of you continued luck and light.


Nora - April 11

Ebee: Im so sorry and I too can understand your pain. To give you an update as for me my HCG levels were rising although not doubling. Friday I too at 7 weeks went in for an ultrasound and HCG test. I met with the doctor later that afternoon to discover that my pregnacy was ectopic. Since i was early enough they gave me an injection (abortion pill) and i lost the baby on Friday. Im so hurt as ive been trying for some time, although I believe that women like you and I will get thru this and so discover that the Lord will see our hearts desire. My heart goes out to you and all the women who's shared thier experiences on the bulletin. I will keep all of you in prayer!!!


Nora - April 11

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you can find strength in the fact that you're not alone. I wish you luck and light.


Nancy - April 11

Hi there- I am new to this site and seem to be experincing the same things as some of the other woman. I am almost 5 weeks pregnant. At 3 1/2 weeks I went to the dr. to confirm (after several postive pregnancy tests). I had the blood work done on Monday afternoon, the next day the test came back and the hcg level was 43. My dr. thought this was low and re-scheduled me for another round on Wednesday, I had the blood work taken Wed. moprning and came back with a level of 71. My dr. called me in and bascially told me she thought this pregnancy had little chance as the numbers did not double in 48 hours (mind you, it was not a full 48 hours) - she scheduled me for an ultrasound this past weekend and told me I would find out right there if it was a viable pregnancy or not. Well, the effort was futile as the technician said there was no possible way she could see anything at only 4 weeks 5 days and that I would have to wait at least another 10 days for anything to show up. Since then, I have taken a few more pregnancy tests and they are as dark as can be. Has anyone started off low and their numbers risen appropriately? This "limbo" period is so upsetting....


Kay - April 11

Yes, I was told my numbers were very low to start out with and all was well. Also, I've seen a lot of cases where dehydration kept the numbers from rising appropriately during early pregnancy. Some women even had declining numbers early on and were told they were miscarrying only to go on to carry the pregnancy to term. Hang in there. Kay www.misdiagnosedmiscarriage.com


beth - April 12

Nancy, I know exactly what you are going through, My #'s were almost identical to yours. I started 14 dpo at a 34. Two days later 48. Then My Dr. told me I had to wait till the #'s got higher in order to see anything on u.s. so she didn't schedule me for a repeat blood test for a week. That was the worst week ever!!! In my case, unfortunately, I did miscarry. But my Dr. did tell me that many womens Hcg #'s DO start off low then eventually catch up. So don't loose hope!! Keep us posted and good luck!


Nancy - April 12

Beth / Kay- Thank you for sharing your situations, I appreciate the input. I had a third round of blood work done today - about 6 days since the last. This round will certainly provide a more accurate look at the rate at which the numbers are rising, falling or levelling. I will let you know how it goes.


Marsha - April 12

Hi everyone. I wanted to give a positive update. My last blood test, the HCG level was 14184 and my progesterone was still at 40. I had an ultrasound on Friday and there was a heartbeat. It was such a relief since the week before, there was only a yolk sac. I'm still nervous but have a more positive outlook. I'm so sorry to hear about the recent loses. I know how hard it is to get through it but just know that you will.


Lucy - April 12

TO MARSHA- That is great news. I am in a similar situation. Do you mind telling me how far along you are and how the fetus and heartbeat measured to those dates?


Marsha - April 12

TO LUCY -- As of the u/s (on Friday) I was 6 weeks 5 days and the heartbeat was 133. I've been going to the dr. once a week and my next appt. is on Friday. I am going to request another u/s, I'm not sure the dr. will agree but I hope so. How about you? How far along are you?


Lucy - April 13

Marsha Well, it sounds like we are really close. Friday I should have been 7w5d, but measured like you, 6w5d. The baby was 8mm (do you know what yours was?) and the heartbeat was 129. I am petrified because I don't have any question on my dates. Your numbers sound good for your gestation. I am just praying there was some fluke thing for me that month. I have had no spotting, etc. I have also been monitored every two days for HCG (until I was at 7000) and have had now three sonograms. This is a spontaneous pregnancy after infertility. Anyway, I would love to keep in touch and hear what happens for you on Friday. I go back on Tuesday. Good luck.


beth - April 13

Nancy. Any news yet?? I've been really hoping for a positive outcome for you......


Nancy - April 13

Hi Beth- After a long day of waiting, I did get the results back. Mr dr. called to say that the numbers were looking great at 356. She figures that I likely conceived a little later than we had calculated. Anyhow, she was pleased with the results but will have me in one more time next week just to do one last check. I'll likely be on guard until then. My two sister-in-law's each had two miscarriages in a rown, low hcg being the first sign. They have both had two subsequent successful pregnancies - no problems whatsoever. I'll be keeping you in my prayers for your next pregnancy for sure. I'll keep you posted on the progress.


Bonnie C - April 14

I'm new to the forum... sorry if I can't mention everyone but believe me I feel the pain that each and everyone of you all have experienced. However I am also happy for the one's whom were having problems and came through their pregnancy fine. I too can relate to the mind playing tricks that haunt one's mind.... the #'s. I know from now on that's the first thing I will think of if I ever become pregnant again, with god's help and prayers. I start by saying I am a 30 year old woman who has 3 healthy boys w/out any problems during pregnancy after the 3rd I had a tubal ligation only after 6 years did i regret having it I had met the love of my life whom is now my husband. Well just last year we married and decided to do the reversal in Sept.After 6 months of praying and praying i had my first positive test April 10th last Sunday, next day Monday l called the facility where I had the reversal done and they asked if I could come in that day i did they drew blood said I was about 4.5 weeks hcg level was 528 pedestorne was 12.6 they prescribed pedestorne and suggest I come back on Wednesday to retest well it just so happens that I start cramping early wednesday morning 5:45 the pain was unbareable I paged the doctor to tell her she said to come in they open at 7 well i went and they drew blood again and I got a v____al sonogram done. they deteced a cyst in my ovary said it was normal for pregnant women and said they'd call later with the blood results. well not feeling comfortable about the answers i called my OBGYN and said to come that afternoon. well i went ahead and went to work didn't feel pain anymore. later i get a call from the doctor at the facility stating that my hcg number was low 368 by then by heart was beating and i started feeling bad she said i had a biochemical pregnancy. i was like what is that she explained it to me and I couldn't take it. she said she wanted me to come in on Friday 04/15 to speak with her in person at that point i was like yeah whatever so freaked out i had to leave work called my obgyn said i didn't have to come anymore it sounded like i was about to miscarriage. i felt awful awful i'm having a hard time dealing with it. So tomorrow i have an appt. I guess i am just waiting for the unexpected to happen. good luck to all of you i wish you all the best!!



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