Hi ladies, wow, what a really confusing pregnancy this is :(. I am as baffeled as my doctor. I ended up in the ER on saturday. Early in the morning I held my pee (at 2 am I had to go so bad, but a drunk friend of my husbands intruded our house and I didn't want to be discovered by him to pee, so I held it in). By the time I got up to pee, it hurt so bad I couldn't finish. The pain increased, to the point where I crawled to bed. Not able to get any comfort, I had my husband carry me to the bath so soak and try to be in less pain. To no avail. I cried and cried, thinking for sure that this was me losing the baby. :(. I finally caught an hour or two of sleep. When waking up, thinking I'd be covered in blood, I stood to go to the bathroom again. It hurt to stand, like my bladder was going to fall out. When getting the the pot, I was shocked to see no blood. None, at all. I called my twin sister. She said it could maybe be a tubal. I went to the ER. My doc thought for sure this was the end, either a tubal or m/c, so he came in himself. To both of our suprise, it wasn't either. Urine tests came out clean, same with blood tests. Pelvic exam showed no reason to belive a tubal...but, as shocking as it seems, my blood tests and my pelvic exam showed I'd only be at about, maybe, tops, 5 weeks. Hmmm. But at that time I was bleeding for 11 days, so what on earth is going on? My doctor thinks I stretched my bladder some how, though it's not common. I am still prego, yet on my 13th day of bleeding (no relief from bed rest either). I'm too early to do an u/s, so am forced to sit and wonder until Sept. 4th. The doc saw my bleeding, and went from being sure I was going to abort this baby, to now thinking nothing is wrong. Hormone count isn't high enough to worry about a molar preg.; nor a tubal, and b/c it is more than double every two days, it's beating the odds of being a blighted ovum (a pregnancy going no-where). The only thing my doctor can think of is that the hormone count was picked very, very early and his ovulation date is wrong, or that I m/c one child and became pregnant right after the m/c. It could still be a blighted ovum, which is what most of us here have gone through, but until Sept. 4th, there really is no awnser to that. It's going to be a long week, that's for sure. My bladder is still sore, and really hurts with gas bubbles, but is getting better. Bleeding is exactly the same. Has ANYONE heard of 13 days of bleeding? I'm going nuts here, and would appreciate ANY suggestions with how to stop it. Bed rest does nothing, not even slowing it down. If anyone has been through this, or heard of it, please let me know. Thanks everyone, for your concern, advice, and prayers. AllieP, don't give up hope, I'm praying for you too. Precancer changes your life forever, but don't let it ruin your life, nor take away your hope. You're stronger than it, just remember that!!! I have many friends that are prego that are healthy, and had the same proc. that we did. Hang in there hun!