Low HCG Levels At 4 And 5 Wks Pregnant
741 Replies
| Amy - February 16 |
Hello to everyone.. Today i went to the doctors.. I am five weeks today and my qut. is 280.. from 45 four days ago. So the numbers are rising really good.. doubling every 36 hours... praying that is a good sign. qut so low they could not do an u/s today but we go in a week from tomorrow for our first u/s. How is everyone doing??
| Sue - February 16 |
Thanks Bonnie. I will get my HCG/Prog results back Friady. I have read so much about blighted ovum that seems to fit my description & I am worried my body is just carrying on with pregnancy symptoms. I am so scared on the result as my last m/c was only in December. Will let everyone know.
| Sue - February 17 |
Okay the wait is over, well temporarily anyway, my HCG came back after about 62 hours and they have only gone up from 3200 to 4200, once again not doubling but still increasing. My Progesterone went up a little from 42 to 50 (it went down last time). My OB thinks it may be a defect in the corpus luteum, but said it most likely wasnt a blighted ovum because my levels were still going up albiet slowly. So now....I have to wait over the weekend until Monday to see my Dr for what will probably be a final scan (well unless a miracle happens), and then have a D & C on Wednesday. These numbers dont sit with me at all well. Still no bleeding but I dont feel as pregnant as I was(which was the first indication of a m/c with me last time). Its so confusing when it drags on like this because it feels like false hope all the time. I checked out some websites and my levels are barely in the normal range......what to do......will let you all know next week!
Hi everyone. I hope all your pregnancies are going great!! I had a miscarriage saurday afternoon.
I am so glad I found this site. I am sad to read many of complications others are experiencing but I am also happy to hear success stories as well. I am 5.5 weeks pregnant and my levels are not rising enough. I was only given my first number which was 12 and have been tested 3 times since. The second number only went up 50% the third number went up 66% and the doc thought things were going better. They put me on progesterone supp and thought that would do the trick. However I had an ultrasound early this week to rule out ectopic pregnancy and they were unable to see anything in the uteris or tube. So they tested my blood again and rescheduled another ultrasound for next week. Doc called this afternoon and said the number only went up 59% and it is still way too low. They are again suspecting ectopic preg. or a biochemical preg. I still am holding on to a little hope and am praying that everything is fine and the numbers are just low. I have read several messages from women saying their numbers were low and delivered healthy babies. However I am not feeling the same pregnant feeling I had a week ago. My b___sts aren't as sore and the nausea has stopped. Anyway, I am waiting to miscarry any day and have this fear now that it could be an ectopic pregancy (although I have had no pain). I delivered a healthy baby girl 4 years ago with no complications. Didn't know I was pregnant with her until 9 weeks and by then my numbers were all normal...so I can't compare the two pregnancies. Since then I have found out that I have poly-cystic ovaries. We have been trying to get pregnant for a year now and this pregnancy was only successful after using Clomid. Any information or input you could provide would be so appreciated. I will continue to pray for all of you and my heart goes out to each of you. This is the toughest thing I have had to go through. My husband understands but continues to tell me not to worry and try and put it out of my head. I just can't do that. I will be 35 and feel that time is ticking away.
| Sue - February 20 |
Hi Tricia,
I think never give up hope in the early days, there have been many success stories with progesterone supplements. What I have learnt is that between the 5-6 week mark it is probably the 'greyest' of areas in regards to what can -cannot be seen on U/S and dates may also be wrongfrom when you ovulated. Like you my HCG levels have only been crawling up, my b___sts are not sore at all anymore, and I am not as nauseas either, no bleeding at all. I came back from my 2nd U/S today and there was a fetal pole (no visible heart beat but looked like something was moving maybe trying to form a heart). I went today not expecting to see anything, more likely to book in for a D&C. Although there is a glimmer of hope I am still very doubtful because my HCG levels are not doing what they should be (had another test today) and will have one more Thursday. It is a difficult emotional rollercoaster, like you I am 35 this year, my next option is IVF. I am not going to give up yet though, miricles do happen and up until today I was positive I had a blighted ovum and that is not the case. I send you all the support in the world - keep me posted!
Elizabeth, I am so, so sorry. There are no words to say how sorry I am for you. I am here for you, if you need support. Please keep in touch, I'm sure everyone here, wants to know how your going. Please don't loose faith, it will happen.
Sue and Tricia: How are your pregnancy's going?
Cate and Tara T Have heard from you 2 for a while, are you OK?
So far so good with me. Turns out I wont be having a scan after all on the 1st of march. It sounds like medical care here is very different to where you guys are. I'm in New Zealand, where are all of you?
Bonnie, Thank you very much for your thoughts. I am ok though. I just want to hurry and try again. I am in California. U.S. I hope everything is going ok with you though. Cate, How are you doing? When is your next appointment?PLease let us know how you ae doing.
Thanks so much for the words of encouragement and I hope everyone is doing O.K. I have an u/s this afternoon and another blood test. I am really praying for some Godly intervention and that everything will be fine. I am still doing O.K. No bleeding or real pain. I had some mild cramping on Saturday and was certain I would be experiencing a miscarriage but the cramping went away and all seems to be fine this morning. I will keep you all posted after the doc. appt today. Bonnie: I am in Virginia, U.S.
| Amy - February 21 |
Yesterday was a scary day for me.. I was in the ER with sever pain.. no bleeding. My hcg was 1870 from 280 3 days ago.. I did have an u/s, where they saw a gest. sac no heart beat and they also saw a bleed from behind the gest. sac. They said that only one percent carry on to full term. It just makes me question.. if my numbers are doubling every 28 hours then how could somthing be wrong. I am still keeping hope. Anyone ever heard of anything like this before?? Elizbeth; i am so deeply sorry for your loss... it is the hardest thing for a person to go though... Keep being strong.. and you have my best wishes. Bonnie; I am in California/washington, US.
Thank you, everyone for your replies. I guess that explains the different medical care. Looks like I wont be going for my first scan until I'm minimum of 11 weeks, unless something crops up like bleeding etc.
Cate, how did your appointment go?
Elizabeth, I am so glad to hear from you and pleased to know your still trying.
Have any of you tried ovulation strips? They really helped me.
Have a great day and best wishes.
| Sue - February 21 |
Elizabeth & Amy, so sorry for what you are going through, I have a feeling I will be in the same boat before too long. As for me my HCG came back again only rose to 5000 (from 4200), its like the rise is getting less every time now, I dont really feel pregnant & i dont know how much longer I can continue on this road to nowhere. I am not getting any answers at all why my HCG is not doubling - its like my body just cant produce enough. Its hard to find any useful information. I almost dont want to take another blood test and just let nature take its course as it doesnt seem the Prog is doing much either. I try to focus on other things but its always in the back of my mind, surely surely by next week the Dr will have to give me some viable options on what to do next. Even if a heartbeat were found if my HCG levels dont double the pregancy is never going to happen so it seems so I am just waiting for the inevitable right??Can anyone please help with any information/stories.
| Amy - February 22 |
Sue.. hi. I am sorry to hear that you may be in the same boat..waiting for the baby to do something.. anything is harder for me than knowing. At least when you know you can greave for a loss and celebrate a success. Nothing either way makes it either... but you are in my prayers! Today I went for another blood test.. 4469 from 1870.. doubling like it should but still no heartbeat and still major pains. I am going to do this all again on thursday. I hope that everyone else's pregnancy/ "trying" is going great.
Hi, I found out last week that i was pregnant again. 7 months ago I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks. I am very nervous this time around, we have been trying for so long, I have been taking clomid. I have had a couple of blood tests and saturday my HCG was 75 this tuesday it was at 270 I go again on friday. Can anyone tell me if this is good?? It was so hard to go through I don't want to go through it again.
CATE: how about an update?
| Ali - February 25 |
I am so glad this post is here. I am in the same boat as alot of you as well. I had started bleeding on 2/10 and thought it was my normal period though it was not as bad as normal. Continued to bleed for 12 days and decided to take an hpt which came back positive. Went to the dr. tuesday 2/22 - they decided to do the hcg blood test that day and thursday to see how the numbers were rising. I got jerked around by the dr. since yesterday and finally today talked to someone- they told me that my numbers are rising bu not enough. The Dr. told me she suspected I had a miscarriage but wants me to test again tomorrow. My levels were 87 on Tuesday and 107 on Thursday. The doc told me she thought it was odd that they were still rising especially if I had started bleeding on the 10th... So now she said it could possibly be ectopic, miscarriage, or I could surprise her and go on to have a normal pregnancy. So basically after seeing the nurse on Tuesday I know nothing and have done nothing except cry and worry. This would be me and my husband's first baby so we are both hoping and praying. But, at this point I am preparing myself for the worst. Will update tomorrow after I get results. Any feedback appreciated... Ali