Need Help Getting Pregnant
4 Replies
hey, does anyone know if there is a way to increase my odds of getting pregnant. i just miscarried on the 5th of march. i want so be to be pregnant again!!
Iam a 25 year old female who has had seizures all of my life. The medication I take for them is called depakote. I never really have a period and Im afraid that i may not be able to have a baby. Is this something to worry about and what steps should i take to find out more?
| K - May 21 |
Go and see a fertility specialist and suss it all out. They would be the best ones to check.
i have marriage before three months i still awaiting for good news but may be some problem in pregnancy tell me what should i do
not sure if you already do this or not, but picking up a copy of Taking Charge of Your Fertility might help.
It's amazing how much goes on in a female's body that us females don't really know about.
I wouldn't necessarily do the complete charting thing, but knowing when you start a cycle, seeing if you're on a regular cycle, and checking for ovulation signs is pretty simple without the charting and temping and other stuff it suggests.