I am 36 weeks and on my last dr's visit they found protien in my urine a +1 and my blood presure took a jump from the last vist but wasnt in the high range. All this freaked me out ! my doc just said next week we will see if it is the same or higher if so we will induce because of the risks of preelamsia. Ive read up on the condition alot so far, im still no even out of range but I cant stop stressing over it. Has anyone had these symptoms? Please share thank you
the good thing is at 36 weeks your baby has a great chance of living and maybe even being problem free! Watch for swelling of your feet, hands and face. Headaches, blurred vision, upper right pain near the top of your ribcage, call your doctor right away. I had preeclampsia and a even more severe form of it called hellp syndrome at 32 weeks. Delivered emergency c under general anesthesia. It was a bad situation. My dr. misdiagnosed things!!! Seems like he's taking care of you. If you're out and about take your blood pressure on those machines in pharmacy's or walmart etc. It can happen fast! Don't stress too much but be aware. If they induce you, even if you are early, you'll get to experience labor and birthing. Good luck.
I also had Helpp Syndrome at 32 weeks along. I had a very severe form of preeclampsia. I give birth at 32 weeks along. I had a healthy baby boy. Emily is right about the signs. Just pay attention to the signs. If you notice any changes, call your doctor asap. Preeclampsia is dangerous. Take care. It sound like your doctor is taking good care of you. Good luck!!!!
I am in the same boat. I am almost 36 weeks and at my 34 week appointment my BP jumped up to 140/90 and it usually is 120/70 at the most. My doctor asked me to come back the nexted day to have it checked again and it was up to 160/98. I had to have some blood tests done and they turned out okay. My doctor made me come back 3 days later and my BP was still up, but not nearly as high. I also started to show small amounts of protein in my urine. I am now put on bedrest for 90% of the day and my doctor says if my BP stays up then they will need to induce. I have a small electronic blood pressure monitor at home, but I don't know how reliable it is. I think it is a good idea to use the ones at a pharmacy. Please try not to stress too much about it. That will only make your BP stay elevated. Good Luck.