Pregnancy After Tubal Ligation
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i have a 5 year old boy and a 4 year old boy, i hade my tubes burned a couple months after my second. i got a divorce a couple years later and have been with someone else for almost 2 years , i took a hpt this morning and it was positive i need help.. i do want a nother baby, im ust so scared about it being eptopic, that would be very tramatic for me, what should i do????
If you are worryed that it might be a eptopic, you should go to the doc, to see what they can do, or to find out if its in the right place, abd best of luck..
I just posted a question just like thisone. All I know is to go to your doctor and demand an ultrasound. It will tell you if you are pregnant, have a cyst, or anything. I am int he same boat , but my dr refuses to give me a u/s, so I am getting another doctor. I had my tubes tied 4 years ago, but now have all symtoms of pregnancy, but all of thousands HPT and blood tests for the last two months are negative. Best of luck to all.
Hello evveryone, I am new here but I've been reading the notes from everyone and it makes me feel better. I had my tubes ties 2005 after my second son and I reget it. Lately, I have been experience nausea, bloating, sore breats, sleepy, and I can smell from faraway. I hope that I am and I pray that I may. And to all the ladies that are wanting to get pregnant, you are in my prayers.
I dont know whats going on with me .I had a tubel nineteen months ago and now Im dew for my period and I only spotted and now Im worried because thats what happened to my three other pregnancies.I would just spotand then no period.
christy, I just went to my doctors appt. on Nov.15,2006 and she said that theirs a 1% chance you can get pregnant after a tubal ligation. Sure enough I could still be expecting right now I won't know until I have my next period. In the next week or so.
I had my tubes tied in dec of 2003. Almost 3 years ago. I had them done at 22 and right after my c section with my twins (#3 and #4 for us). Now I am starting to worry I may have an ectopic pregnancy. I have been getting what I thought to be periods, although they are short and i spend most of the time spotting. My last period was 2 days, nothing for 2 days and then I spotted some. Now I am starting to feel movement in my pelvic area, below my c section scar. I can only describe it as "muscle spasms" but they are regular and I feel them a lot more when I am sitting or laying down. took a pregnancy test today, and thought I saw a faint line but I am not sure. I have never been able to get a clear result with a pregnancy test. Even a week late with my twins. I also heard that if you have too much HCG or you are too far along in your pregnancy, that some tests will not read positive anymore. I don't know how true that is. I am looking for a new ob and then I am going to go get a blood test to make sure. The movements I am feeling are starting to worry me since they are so regular.
I am pretty curious about this too Christy! short version of my story: was married I had a TL (Cut and tied) almost nine years ago after my second child. (2 boys) I was 23. I am now 31 and remarried and my husband 31 doesn't have any bio kids. I thought we were pregnant last month. My cycle was 12 days late and I thought for sure I was prego. The irony is that I really believed that I didn't want any more kids until it turned out that I might have been pregnant. To make a long story short, things still aren't right, so I went to the doctor and he is ordering a HSG. But I have to wait for my cycle to come on which is due on Dec. 13. I hope it doesn't come. Praying that they grew back together. Hoping and praying. I want to have one more. I am getting up there in age. I'll be 32 on the 3rd. We did an ovulation test and "got together" on the 24th. Let's pray for the best. A healthy normal intra-uterine pregnancy. I figure it has to be God's will. If not why after almost 9 years am I suddenly getting the baby bug. My new husband and I have been together for 5 years now.
Hi Tree, I had mine done when I was about 27, I'm now 33. I thought I did'nt won't to have a 3rd, but I have since my son was 2 he's now 7. Hubby say's no way. I have to have the same test as you, because my period's are hey wire. Last month I was 3 day's late and it only went for 2 day's got it on the 9th nov, and again on the 30th nov. Was'nt meant to get it till the 5th dec, but got it early. My Doc said I was to get the test a week before it came, so when it came early, did'nt think I should have it done. If I was swrong will have to get it done this month..I only have the right clamp on, the year after I had them done I had to get the left taken off, it was just hanging there. But I would really love to havew another, but no luck. When I found this site I thought that so many women get preggo I thought my luck migfht change, it might one day.. Best of luck to you...
Thanks for your response rttj2000. I tend to keep coming to this site and reading and re-reading the posts. It gives me hope to know that TTC after a tubal ligation isn't #1 stupid and #2 HOPELESS. Maybe doctors need to realize that sterilization isn't as permanent as they think. Hopefully not in my case : ) GOD speed to anyone here ttc. My prayers are with you, and please pray for my success as well.
Your welcome Tree. I'm still hoping it will happen. But u never know, it might 1 day. My hubby say's he understand's how I feel, wanting to have another, but unless he's a women I don't think so. But I'm keeping my finger's cross and for you as well..
This is actually a question....I am 26 years old and had a tubel ligation in 2001 is there any thing you can do to help get your tubes to reconnect or anything? I have 2 daughters and would love to have another baby. I can't explain the way i feel but i stay awake all the time just wishing to get preg. If you have anything that could help me please let me know. thank you and this is a great place. God Bless
To Priceless, I don't think there is anything you can do to help them get back together. I like you would love to have another. I had my tubes done in 2000, and since my son was 2 being wanting to have another, he's now 7. But my hubby say's no way. I only have the right clamp on, had to have the left one taken off in 2001. I have heard that after about 10 years they can re-grow, but not sure of the % rate. Best of luck..
Hello Priceless. Other than prayer, the onkyour tubes will come back together is by surgery. (Tubal Reversal). I had my tubal in 1998 and also had an HSG done last month. (This is a test that inserts dye into your uterus and into your tubes to see if in fact your tubes are open, and how much tube you have left if you are trying for a reversal), I hope this helps
I am also 31. I have three wonderful children ages 3,6, & 9. All born in the spring (Feb and March) Well... Spring is coming soon, and as you can tell from the ages of my children, I have a record of having a child every three years. I had tubal done right after my last baby (almost 4 years ago his b-day is coming soon) ((I have no idea what type of tubal ligation they performed. It was done immediately after my c-section.))
I am about a week late. I feel stupid for wondering if I'm pregnant. My husband basically laughed at me when I thought I was pregnant. Now, he's teasing me saying that I'm pregnant. I could just slap him. :) Anyway, I'm too embara__sed to go buy a pregnancy test. I feel like I'd be wasting $10. I didn't think I wanted another baby, but now I wonder. It could be my biological clock just ticking away. Am I crazy to feel like I could be pregnant.
Hello everyone...Ive been reading this forum for about 2days starting from 2004..I never knew it was this common to become prego after TL..Im 32 I had mines cut and burned after my 3rd child which was by c-section as were the other two as well..Unfortunately she died 2 mos later via SIDS and I was devastated ofcourse..because I knew I just got my tubes tide so I thought they were just tied. I only wanted mines tied because I knew that I could always get them untied when Im ready for another child. I didnt know they were cut and burned until 2 years ago when I entered Med a__st school...We was on the subject of fertility and TL was one of the birth control methods mentioned...When it came up of course I raised my hand and said I had one done at the end of 2001 and my instructer asked which form of TL did I have...I was dumb founded I said tied... She advised me they dont do it that way anymore..She said I must have had them cut and burned or something like that..I contacted Planned Parenthood which was my OBGYN but not the one who gave me the TL and asked which proceedure did I have...They couldnt believe I didnt already know...The head nurse advised me mines was cut and burned and she said it was irreversable...I wanted to die or kill...I thought about suing them because even though I signed a consent to have it done i was not aware of what type of proceedure I was having and that it would irreversable.. Now reading this forum I feel differently and now im aware that my chances are greater than I expected...Thanks to all of you..