Still Pregnant After Bleeding
1 Replies
my first miscarriage resulted in a d&c, my second was low pogesterone, my third pregnancy resulted in a beautiful daughter all my pregnancies had bleeding. i'm on my fourth and i once again started spotting then bleeding. i thought it was a miscarriage then the nurse called after blood work and said levels were still high. they now want to do an ultrasound on monday to make sure that everything has passed. can i still be pregnant after bleeding and small clotting? the nurse said if i experience any pain over weekend to call Dr imediately. i'm scared they think i may have a tubal prenancy and didn't come out and say it. is it also possible to be pregnant with fraternal twins and miscarry just one?
| CH - September 7 |
The difficulty with miscarraige, bleeding while pregnant, is that there is no concrete symptom and diagnosis. Yes, I have known many women who have bled heavily and still carried their baby to term. Then textbook cases who experience the same thing, and did have miscarraiges. The reality is that all of the above, including what you have written could be possible. As hard as it may be, use your patience, as time is the only thing keeping you from your answers. Good Luck