Subchorionic Hematoma

701 Replies
jrmold1 - April 14

I started bleeding at five weeks. I'm on my 14th week now and I still bleed for half a day and spot old blood for a week or so then bleed fresh blood again. My latest sonogram shows a retro-decidual hematoma/bleeding and I have been on antifibrinolytics, progesterone, and Metformin (I have PCOS, and Type 2 Diabetes). When I don't feel the tiny flutters, I get paranoid, that maybe the baby is no longer there, especially when my own mother would comment that my tummy seemed to be not bulging as it should. But every time I go for an ultrasonography, the results would reveal a baby with strong heartbeat and activity. My next u/s is tomorrow and I hope to see a little hand waving at me. :) I'm just trusting God on this. May the Lord's comfort and peace be with you all.


kathleen38 - June 10

I am 12 weeks pregnant and have a small SCH. I was diagnosed with this at 7 1/2 weeks but had no bleeding until 11 weeks. All of a sudden I started gushing out red blood like a full period. It wouldn't stop and went to the ER. The baby was fine. Since then, I have continuous spotting and episodes of heavier bleeding - always bright red and sometimes with clots. Had ultrasound yesterday and baby is still fine. It's hard to find a dr. that really takes it seriously. This is my baby and I won't give up. I'm on bedrest now - even though the dr. said it wouldn't help- and I pray that this baby lives. It's amazing how some doctors just really don't care. I have to fight for every ultrasound. Good luck to all moms-to-be with this problem.


jrmold1 - June 10

hi all, i just lost my baby at 21 weeks 3 days last June 1st. so yes, i'm still heartbroken, can't sleep, can't cry hard enough... my son was born still. I had my last scan at 20wks 6 days and he was ok, but i was diagnosed with very low amniotic fluid at 14wks which did not improve even if i drank quarts and quarts of water everyday, i was hooked on IVFs, was on total bedrest for five four months. in that same scan, the sonologist said the SCH is very minimal, but i still bleed until the day i delivered... i was told it's the oligohydramnios that too my baby, i don't know, surely the SCH did its own damage... now, it's very hard to adjust... to accept that i am no longer carrying him.. ;-( ;-( i wish everyone here blessings and good outcomes.. may you have healthy babies in your arms at the end of your pregnancies... bye all...


kathleen38 - June 10

I'm really sorry for your loss jrnold1. My last pregnancy I lost my twins due to other complications and I still miss them everyday. My heart goes out to you...take care.


beewhyyou - July 2

What a group of stong women! Thanks for all the encouragement. I'm in my 18th week. I bled red blood for 24 hours in my tenth week, spotted brown blood until my 15th week and I've not since bled. My hematoma is STILL 5.1 x 5.2 cm. It's not changed one bit. Has this happened to anyone else? I go back for another ultrasound on the 15th of July. I feel her flutters all day long but an 8 week stint with bed rest is killing me! I have a needy 3 and 2 year old and my house is a wreck!! Any suggestions for sanity?!


Yolland - July 13

Hi All, This forum has been so informative - sometimes rea__suring although sometimes pretty scary! At 6 weeks I started having cramps. Half a week later I started bleeding very small amounts of brown blood. At 7 weeks I went to the gynae who said that I had a clot in my uterus. I also didn't thing to ask what size it was, although I saw it on the ultersound and it was smaller than the fetus. I was told that there is no evidence that bedrest does help, however to reduce all activity and not to walk around a lot. Like somebody else, I have noticed that I bleed more and experience more discomfort when I am on my feet for long periods and so listening to my body has helped. I have now been bleeding for nearly 2 weeks. I stopped for 2 days and went for an easy walk yesterday. Towards the end I had so much pain, which stopped when I stopped walking. I then found that I had bled out a clot. I am not sure if this would be the one in my uterus - but looking at other peoples' comments it seems that this is possible??? I have been bleeding more since then, but still brown blood. My gynae has told me not to worry as long as the blood is brown. If any red blood occurs I should see a Dr straight away. It is nice to see so many positive people here on the forum and that I am not alone. None of my friends/family seem to have ever experienced this before.


canadianmamaalmost5 - July 16

I am expecting baby #5 on jan 30/10. I was diagnosed with a subchorionic hemorrage at 8 weeks, at the time it was 3.2 cms. I just had another ultrasound at 11 weeks and it is now 4 cms. I am a very small person, only 5 foot 2, and right now 101 lbs-I was 93 went I got pregnant, so 4cms is considered huge for my size. I haven't had any bleeding at all, but I've had 2 preemies, and am very concerned about this one being early too cause the hemorrage is getting bigger-not going away! I don't have an appointment with my OB until next week...does this usually end up in a premature birth if it doesn't go away?


Yolland - July 17

I have not read A LOT!! on the internet on this. Personally, I don't think that anybody really knows. There seems to be many posisbilities about how this can form and everybody seems to react differently. Eg, I have had light bleeding for 3 weeks now, you saying that you haven't had any bleeding etc. I was so worried when I first found out, however I remember reading something (can't remember if it was here or another site) and they said that they felt they missed out on their whole pregnancy because they spent the whole time worrying about a mc and loosing the baby etc. That was ... (who am i kidding!)... that is me. Do you know why your first two babies were prem? Did you have a SCH with them? If not, my guess would be that it is unreleated?? But again... I keep guessing and looking for information that I want to hear! Good luck!


beewhyyou - July 17

Okay guys, remember me with the 5.1 x 5.2 hematoma that hasn't bled for a month? Well, I got checked on Wednesday and it's completely gone! My body completely reabsorbed the entire thing. I didn't think that was possible. I was under the impression that I would bleed part of it and reabsorb the rest. It's a miracle for our family since I'm no longer on bedrest. Anyway, I just wanted to spread hope and encouragement. From what I've found these things turn out okay for the most part. Wishing everyone lots of luck and great pregnancies.


canadianmamaalmost5 - July 17

Yolland...I haven't had any bleeding, just one day around 7 weeks with some brown spotting when I wiped, nothing since. I did have a SCH with my first preemie, not sure of the size, it bled out at 14 weeks and ended up having him at 35 weeks. My 2nd was induced due to low fluid at 33 weeks, 5 days. I didn't have a SCH with him.


Yolland - July 18

beewhyyou - Thanks for writing in with your positive outcome!! I get the feeling that once people have 'recovered' they forget to let us all know their positive stories. It is then when the newies start doing all the research that they freak themselves out with all the different stories! I freaked myself out the first two weeks of bleeding (like you a bit canadianmammalmost5 - brown blood/discharge only really when I wipe, although heavier when I first get up in the morning, but mine has been for 3 weeks now). Some of the girls wrote in about how they were remaining positive. THat is how I am trying to focus. With the lack of certainty and a clear prognosis I think that it is the only thing we can do... Let us know how you go after your next u/s. It doesn't sound like your first two deliveries were early due to the SCH? Take care of yourself and good luck!


Luna249 - August 14

I had a bleeding scare at 9w3d (exactly 3 weeks ago). It was as most of you describe, gush of red blood, filled 1/2 to 3/4 of a pad. It happened in the middle of the night and I was so sure I was losing the baby. I didnt even want to go for an u/s bc the bleeding was red blood and pretty heavy. But my husband pushed me to and the baby was doing so fine, heartbeat and size. :) I was so relieved. I had a hematoma 6cm x 1.5 cm. I was put on strict bedrest until it resolved and on progesterone until 12 weeks. I went back for another u/s two weeks later, and baby was doing well, doing splits w his legs and growing. Hematoma reduced to 3cm x 1 cm. I am now 12w3d (yuppie for pa__sing 12 week mark) I am going back for another u/s next week, hopefully, the hematoma will have further reduced. I havent had red blood since that first incidence but I have been having brown spotting for this entire period which is so nerve wracking and I cant wait for it to stop. I think I am doing Ok but psychologically, I havent really been able to enjoy the pregnancy fully except a few days after my ultrasounds and then the worry restrats. I try to think positive but I sometimes find I get so so worried. I promise I will be back to update on how things are going. You are all very right that people post when this happens to them and then forget to post how things turned out. It is very rea__suring to hear good stories w/ similar conditions.


Sevenisworthit - August 15

I had a SCH with my last pregnacy. I fell really had at about 2 before my cycle was due. At 34 days I took a test and it was postivie. Well 35 day I started bleeding bright red blood with no clots. I thougth great I am miscarring again. (I had four after child number6) Well the bleeding lasted nine days. NO clots no brown. At two weeks i bought a pg test and thought it's ovulation time let's take a test. And it came back postive. After I picked up my jaw from the bathroom floor. I called my OB for the blood work and got started on Progestrone 100mg twice a day. I bled again and had an U/S and baby was fine. Dr. couldn't see why I was bleeding. It turned to brown and stopped and about 3-4 days later bled again. Oncall dr. show the hematoma. Long pregnacy story short. I bled at 6 wks, 6wks, 8wks, 12wks, 16wks, 19.5 weeks. 18 week u/s showed i was placenta preveria. No more bleeding after 19 wks. I read it usually clears up by 20 weeks. At 35 wks hubby tried to set garage on fire, accidnetly, while running for napping kids and phone, I fell on my side. I did contract a little after but no side affects. I tried to have baby VBAC but couldn't due to my placenta detaching, (which I think was from the SCH and fall.) But also they found that I had what was could Brandy's Belt. My uterus was squeezing itself shut right in the middle and not letting baby come out. So to you I say relax and don't lift anything heavy. I did bleed after s_x one time. So take it easy. (That didn't come out right) My baby boy is now 5 months and very healthy. It was a scary pregnacy though. Pray to Saint Gerard to help guide you. He is the Patron Saint of expecting mother's. By the way you have the right to worry. It is your and your babies bodies to worry about.


palki - September 11

My wife is nearly 14 weeks 5 days pregnant and she has been bleeding heavily the past 2 weeks. She was diagnosed with a subchorionic hematoma yesterday - they could find pools of blood below the uterus. Usually there is one clot but it looks like she had several layers. She has had 3 heavy bleeding episodes in the past 2 weeks and has spotted throughout this time. We have had repeated ultrasounds - every one of which shows the baby growing fine with strong heartbeat. She is taking bedrest now (only time she gets up is to go to the bathroom). Every time she wipes, there is some blood. We are very worried. What do we do? Any advice, stories. Have you bled for this long and went on to deliver healthy babies ? As a husband, what can I do to help her? I wish I could take away her pain and worries, I feel helpless.


Tara B - September 12

Hello Palki! I use to come on here all the time while pregnant with my first baby in 2006/2007. Now I have a 2 1/2 year old baby girl named Julia. I have actualy had subchronioc hematoma twice. 1st time was painless and bled from 6 weeks to 12 weeks and stopped. I had Kaiser and they never put me on bedrest and told me it was okay to continue with normal activity. My doc said if its a good healthy baby they'll hang in there. Now Im pregnant again (10 weeks) and at 7 weeks i seriously thought I was going to have misscarrige. I started cramping and bleeding real bad. I got a hot flash left work and went straight to my doctors. This was 8/21/2009 just 3 days after I found out I was pregnant. They told me I had SCH and put me on strict bedrest for two weeks. I got off bedrest on 9/4/2009 and another appt on the 9th. The hematoma did not go away actually just shifted. I have another appt on the 30th for another ultrasound. All I can say is DON'T stress out. I freaked out so much my pregnancy I did not enjoy my first trimester (not sure if anyone does, and belive me I know how scarry this is for you. I feel like I'm in a good place and know that everything will be ok. I will def keep everyone posted. Good Luck!!!


palki - September 13

Tara: Thank you so much for the response. Did you bleed heavily during the first pregnancy or now ? Or was it intermittent bleeding followed by spotting ? Its the latter my wife is suffering from. best wishes and congratulations!



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