9 Weeks Post Delivery Still No Period
2 Replies
I was just wondering how long is too long not to have your first period after delivery. I had a c-section on February 14, 2008 and I am still waiting for my period.
are you b___stfeeding? i am & its been 3 months no period
I had my c section feb 18th and still waiting after 10 weeks.
I didn't b___st feed my first child and had my period by the time he was 14 weeks old. I b___st fed my 2nd for the first 4 months and didn't get my 1st period till 6 months. I was hoping to feed for 6 months this time around so who knows when it will arrive. I do have a friend however who b___st fed for 6 months and didn't have a period till bubs 1st birthday. I guess it really depends on your body and how long you b___st feed.